Page 4 - 2020 October 8 Pavillion Sale
P. 4

         (LOTS 201-280)

         居 易 書屋 珍藏(拍品 201-280 號)

         THE MASTER OF THE JUIYI STUDIO         居易書屋主人
         Ms. Kuo Shuhui, The Master of Juyi Studio,   居易書屋主人郭淑惠女士致力文物收藏
         has dedicated herself to collecting for
         more than 30 years. The large part of her   凡數十年,因君子比德於玉之故,主力
         collection comprises of jade pieces, as she   玉器收藏,藏品涵括中華玉器上下五千
         was inspired by the saying ‘A gentleman’s   年的歷史,猶如藝術長河的縮影。公餘
         virtue is comparable to jade’. These pieces   閒暇多與同好賞玩藏品,研究盤摩,對
         date from the Neolithic period to Qing,
         spanning 5000 years, and offer a snapshot   各年代特色珍玩多有涉獵,過眼之物,
         of Chinese art history. She has held many   擇優納藏。曾多次於台北、美國、法國
         solo and joint exhibitions of her jade pieces   等地舉辦個人收藏展及聯展。
         in various museums in Taipei, the U.S. and
         in France.
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