Page 45 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
P. 45

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           PROPERTY FROM A CANADIAN PRIVATE COLLECTION  Brilliantly painted, the distinctive mottled ‘heaped and piled’            PROPERTY FROM A CANADIAN PRIVATE COLLECTION
           A LARGE BLUE AND WHITE MING-STYLE         effect of classic Ming dynasty blue and white wares has been                  TWO UNDERGLAZE-BLUE AND COPPER-RED
           ‘EIGHT BUDDHIST EMBLEMS’ BOWL             successfully simulated through the deliberate application                     ‘IMMORTALS’ DISHES
                                                     of darker and thicker spots of cobalt on the present bowl.
           QIANLONG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD             Echoing the Qianlong Emperor’s penchant for classicism and                    QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH CENTURY
                                                     innovation, the bowl is elegantly decorated with the bajixiang
           the deep rounded sides resting on a straight foot, finely   and lotus, revisiting and reinterpreting early Ming designs   each with shallow rounded sides, the short gently tapered
           painted in ‘heaped and piled’ cobalt blue tones, with a band   like the Xuande bowl illustrated in The Complete Collection   foot rising to an everted rim, the exterior painted with the
           of beribboned ‘Eight Buddhist Emblems’ above a stylized                                                                 ‘Eight Daoist Immortals’ in underglaze blue against a swirling
           lotus scroll and upright ruyi lappets, all between double-line   of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Blue and White Porcelain   ground of stylized copper-red waves, the interior centering
           borders at the rim and a wave border encircling the foot, the   with Underglazed Red (I), vol. 34, Hong Kong, 2000, pl. 147.  a medallion enclosing Shoulao and a deer against a further
           interior rim painted with a further border of crashing waves,   A similar bowl is illustrated in Porcelain of the National Palace   wave ground, cloud scrolls and a partially obscured sun
           the center with a beribboned double-vajra medallion, the   Museum: Blue and White Ware of the Ch’ing Dynasty, vol. II,   above, the recessed bases glazed white with hallmarks in
           base with a six-character seal mark in underglaze blue  Hong Kong, 1968, pls 25a-e. See one sold at Christie’s New      underglaze blue within double squares, one reading Qingyi
           Diameter 10¼ in., 26 cm                   York, 4th June 1987, lot 281, and again in these rooms, 23rd                  tangzhi and the other Yanghe tangzhi (2)
                                                     September 2004, lot 309. Further examples have sold in our                    Diameter 6½ in., 16.3 cm
           PROVENANCE                                Hong Kong rooms, 26th November 1980, lot 304, and 20th
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London.               November 1985, lot 98. See also one sold at Christie’s New                    PROVENANCE
           Canadian Private Collection, acquired from the above   York, 22nd March 2019, lot 1826.                                 Weisbrod & Dy, Toronto.
           between the 1960s and 1980s, and thence by descent.                                                                     Canadian Private Collection, acquired from the above
                                                     $ 15,000-20,000                                                               between 1960s and 1980s, and thence by descent.
                                                                                                                                   For dishes of this type with the Yanghe tang mark, see one
                                                                                                                                   attributed to the 18th century and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
                                                     清乾隆   青花纏枝蓮八吉祥紋大盌                                                             27th November 2007, lot 1692 (part lot). Another pair attributed
                                                     《大清乾隆年製》款                                                                     to the Qianlong period sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 8th October   151
                                                                                                                                   2014, lot 3128. A bowl with this pattern, attributed to the 19th
                                                     來源                                                                            century, sold at Christie’s London, 11th November 2011, lot 1265.
                                                     Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦                                                         For pieces bearing the Qingyi tang marks and decorated in a
                                                     加拿大私人收藏,1960年代至1980年代購於上述處,                                                   similar manner, see a bowl and cover sold at Christie’s New
                                                                                                                                   York, 22nd March 2012, lot 2018. Compare also a wine ewer
                                                     此後家族傳承                                                                        and warmer sold in these rooms, 15th March 2017, lot 521.
                                                                                                                                   $ 10,000-15,000

                                                                                                                                   清十八 / 十九世紀   青花釉裏紅八仙過海紋

                                                                                                                                   Weisbrod & Dy,多倫多


                                                                                                                                   PROPERTY OF A CALIFORNIA PRIVATE COLLECTOR
                                                                                                                                   A COPPER-RED-GLAZED BOWL
                                                                                                                                   YONGZHENG MARK AND PERIOD
                                                                                                                                   the rounded sides rising from a short foot to a flared rim, the
                                                                                                                                   interior and exterior covered in a deep copper-red glaze, the
                                                                                                                                   base with a mark in underglaze blue within a double circle
                                                                                                                                   Diameter 4⅞ in., 12.3 cm
                                                                                                                                   Koninklijke Kunstzaal Kleykamp, The Hague (by repute).
                                                                                                                                   European Private Collection, reputedly acquired from the
                                                                                                                                   above between the 1920s and 1930s.
                                                                                                                                   $ 4,000-6,000

                                                                                                                                   清雍正   紅釉盌
                                                                                                                                   Koninklijke Kunstzaal Kleykamp, 海牙(傳)                                   152
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