Page 85 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
P. 85

                                                                                                                                   A PAIR OF “HUANGHUALI’ SQUARE STOOLS
                                                                                                                                   LATE QING DYNASTY
                                                                                                                                   each with a hardwood seat enclosed in the square mitered
                                                                                                                                   frame, supported on four legs of square section, terminating
                                                                                                                                   in hoof feet and joined by arched stretchers (2)
                                                                                                                                   Height 19 ¾ in., 50.2 cm; Width 15 ¾ in., 40 cm;
                                                                                                                                   Depth 15 ¾ in., 40 cm

                                                                                                                                   Collection of Frederick T. Fuller.
                                                                                                                                   Collection of Jack Faxon (1936-2020).

                                                                                                                                   ◉  $ 10,000-15,000

                                                                                                                                   清末   黃花梨有束腰羅鍋棖方凳一對
                                                                                                                                   Frederick T. Fuller 收藏
                                                                                                                                   Jack Faxon (1936-2020) 收藏

                                                                                                                                   PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT AMERICAN PRIVATE                                   220
                                                                                                                                   A LARGE ‘JUMU’ RECESSED-LEG PAINTING
                                                                                                                                   TABLE (HUAZHUO)
                                                                                                                                   QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY
                                                                                                                                   the top of standard miter, mortise and tenon construction,
                                                                                                                                   enclosing a three-board floating panel supported underneath
                                                                                                                                   by three dovetailed transverse stretchers, the edge of the
           219                                                                                                                     frame gently molded, the slightly splayed cylindrical legs
                                                                                                                                   double tenoned into the top and cut to house the plain
           PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT AMERICAN PRIVATE   LITERATURE                                                                spandreled apron, each pair of legs joined on the short side
                                                     Grace Wu Bruce, Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber and Romance                         by two oval-sectioned stretchers, plexiglass sheet (2)
           A RARE ‘HONGMU’ SUGARCANE SQUEEZER        with Huanghuali Wood: The Dr. S.Y. Yip Collection of Classic                  Height 31⅞ in., 81 cm; Width 77¼ in., 196.2 cm;
           QING DYNASTY                              Chinese Furniture, Hong Kong, 1991, cat. no. 64.                              Depth 38¼ in., 97.2 cm
           modeled as a rectangular bench with a sloping single-panel   Compare a similar hongmu sugarcane squeezer in the         PROVENANCE
           top carved to one end with a channel and spout, supported   collection of Wang Shixiang, illustrated in Wang Shixiang,   Sotheby’s New York, 17th September 1998, lot 276.
           below by a pair of splayed legs at each end conjoined by a   Classic Chinese Furniture - Ming and Early Qing Dynasties,
           stretcher, the legs at the lower end extending through the   Hong Kong, 1986, pl. 173.                                  ◉  $ 40,000-60,000
           panel to form an A-frame fitted with an upper stretcher
           and capped by a finial carved as a bundle of sugarcane, the   ◉  $ 6,000-8,000
           separately carved spatula-shaped lever inserts between the                                                              清十八世紀   櫸木夾頭榫畫桌
           upper stretcher and the panel to press the sugarcane when
           in use (2)                                清   紅木榨床                                                                      來源
           Width 17¾ in., 45.2 cm                                                                                                  紐約蘇富比1998年9月17日,編號276
           PROVENANCE                                攻玉山房收藏
           Collection of Dr. S.Y. Yip.               紐約佳士得2002年9月20日,編號67
           Christie’s New York, 20th September 2002, lot 67.
           Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991.   香港中文大學文物館,1991年
           National Heritage Board, Asian Civilisations Museum,   國家文物局,亞洲文明博物館,新加坡,1996至1999
           Singapore, 1996-1999.                     年
           Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 1999.   當代藝術學會,倫敦,1999年

                                                     伍嘉恩,《攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具:楮檀室夢                                                                                                                        221

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