Page 50 - Sothebys Fine Japanese Art London, November 2018
P. 50

                                                            AN ARITA TANKARD
                                                            EDO PERIOD, LATE 17TH CENTURY
                                                            伊万里 染付タンカード、江戸時代、17世紀後期
                                                            oviform, with applied loop handle, decorated in underglaze
                                                            blue with panels depicting landscapes bordered by bands of
                                                            scrolling karakusa
                                                            23.5 cm, 9¼ in. high
                                                            A similar example in the Soame Jenyns Collection is on view at
                                                            the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, collection no. J111.
                                                            For a further example see Oliver Impey, Japanese Export
                                                            Porcelain: Catalogue of the Collection of the Ashmolean
                                                            Museum, Oxford, (Amsterdam, 2002), p.54, no.34.
                      59 (see text on previous page)
           60                                               £ 1,500-2,000
                                                            € 1,700-2,300   US$ 2,000-2,650
           AN ARITA DISH
           FUKU MARK
           伊万里 染付皿、江戸時代、17世紀後期、福印
           the deep dish with upturned foliate rim, decorated in
           underglaze blue with a crane among bamboo
           27.5 cm, 10⅞ in.
           For a similar dish with cranes see Nezu Museum, Ko-Imari:
           A Catalogue of Hizen Porcelain from the Nezu Mueseum’s
           Yamamoto Collection (Tokyo, 2017), pl. 47 p. 23
           28cm diameter
           £ 1,000-1,500
           € 1,150-1,700   US$ 1,350-2,000                  Drayton House, Northamptonshire

           61                                               63
           A PAIR OF ARITA EWERS                            A PAIR OF ARITA SQUARE BOTTLE VASES
           EDO PERIOD, LATE 17TH CENTURY                    (TOKKURI)
                                                            EDO PERIOD, LATE 17TH CENTURY
           伊万里 染付水注 一対、江戸時代、17世紀後期
                                                            伊万里 染付角徳利 一対、江戸時代、17世紀後期
           each oviform with tall necks, loop handles and spouts
           decorated in underglaze blue with figurative scenes  of rectangular form with canted shoulders and everted
           (2)                                              rounded neck rims, moulded in relief with panels of geometric
           each: 20 cm, 7⅞ in. high                         design, decorated in underglaze blue
           A similar example is in the collection of the Ashmolean   (2)
           Museum, Oxford, accession no. EA1978.737.        each: 25.9 cm, 10¼ in.
           £ 2,000-3,000                                    PROVENANCE
           € 2,300-3,400   US$ 2,650-3,950                  Lady Betty Germain, Drayton House, Northamptonshire
                                                            The collections at Drayton House were formed by Sir John
                                                            Germain, an Anglo-Dutch soldier of fortune, and his wife Lady
                                                            Betty Germain. Their porcelain is listed in an inventory drawn
                                                            up on 14th September 1710. It is possible that the above
                                                            lot is listed where the “cornice” of the State Bedroom was,
                                                            garnished with “two little blue and white rollwagons, two china
                                                            bottles, ...”
                                                            £ 5,000-8,000
                                                            € 5,700-9,100   US$ 6,600-10,600

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