Page 61 - Christies May 12, 2017 Kensington
P. 61

306                                                              PROVENANCE
KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)                                        The Collection of Lieutenant Colonel C.S. Madden.
                                                                 The Daelemans Family Collection, Brussels, Belgium.
The dish is decorated to the interior with a scene from Romance  Christie’s Amsterdam, 23 May 2006, lot 406 (one of a pair).
of the Western Chamber, xixiang ji, with Yingying and Hongniang  Sotheby’s London, 9 April 1968, lot 207 (one of a pair).
standing to the centre, one pointing upwards to Zhang Sheng
who is playing the qin within a pavilion, beside a sleeping      清康熙 彩繪西廂記盤
boy. The scene is bordered by the Eight Buddhist Emblems,
bajixiang, within cartouches, all on a diaper ground.            來源: 中校C. S. MADDEN舊藏; 比利時DAELEMANS家族舊
15¡ in. (39.1 cm.) diam.                                         藏; 一對其一於2006年5月23日阿姆斯特丹佳士得拍賣,
                                                                 拍品406號; 一對其一於1968年4月9日倫敦蘇富比拍賣,
£2,000-3,000                $2,600-3,800                         拍品207號

                                                                 307 No Lot

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