Page 66 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 66

348     AN EXTREMELY                    清康熙   青花獸面紋方熏爐
                RARE BLUE AND
                WHITE TWO-TIER
                CENSER AND COVER

                Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period     PROVENANCE                      來源
                of square section, the lower section with   Christie’s New York, 27th November 1991, lot   紐約佳士得1991年11月27日,編號378
                straight sides terminating in a flat rim and   378.             桑托斯,倫敦,1997年
                raised on four short baluster-form legs,   Alberto Santos, London, 1997.
                each of the sides painted in deep tones of                      展覽
                cobalt blue with a broad taotie mask, the   EXHIBITED           《抱古融今:潔蕊堂藏康熙瓷器展》,蘇富
                features meticulously outlined with white slip   Embracing Classic Chinese Culture, Kangxi   比,紐約,2014年3月,編號9
                decoration, all within a classic scroll border,   Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection,
                the conforming middle section with openwork   Sotheby’s New York. March, 2014, cat. no. 9.  出版
                and similarly decorated, the archaistic motif   LITERATURE      Jeffrey P. Stamen、Cynthia Volk 及倪亦斌,
                repeated on the reticulated, canted cover                       《文采卓然:潔蕊堂藏康熙盛世瓷》,布呂
                surmounted with a lion-form knop (3), coll.   Jeffrey P. Stamen, Cynthia Volk with Yibin Ni, A   赫,2017年,圖版86
                no. 168                         Culture Revealed, Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain
                                                from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Bruges, 2017,
                Height 7½ in., 19 cm
                                                cat. no. 86.
                $ 30,000-50,000

                The archaistic decoration of this censer is   on four lion-mask feet, from the collection of   means to experience and appreciate the
                inspired by ancient bronzes of the Shang and   Mr. Henry Hirsch is illustrated in R.L. Hobson,   distant past in a modern way. For examples
                Zhou dynasties. The taotie mask remains one   The Later Ceramic Wares of China, New York,   of Kangxi period porcelains decorated with
                of the most enigmatic yet enduring motifs   1925, pl. LIII, described as a ‘cricket cage’. A   large scale taotie masks, see a remarkable
                from antiquity. Only one other identical   related censer of similar form but decorated   zun-form blue and white vase illustrated in The
                censer is known, with primarily iron-red   in famille-verte with a bamboo motif, formerly   Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Bulletin, no.
                decoration, from the Qing Court Collection   in the collection of Lord Kitchner, then in the   46, (1974), p. 73, where the author, Jan Wirgin,
                and illustrated in The Complete Collection of   Percival David Foundation Collection, and   compares it to a covered bowl in the Guimet
                Treasures of the Palace Museum: Porcelains   now in the collection of the British Museum,   Museum which appears in several paintings
                in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours,   London, is illustrated in Illustrated Catalogue   by Willem Kalf, one of which is dated to 1662;
                Hong Kong, 1999, pl.86 (fig. 1) and again in   of Ch’ing Enamelled Ware in the Percival David   and another vase, of fanghu shape with
                Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong Porcelain from   Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1973, pl.   similarly broad bands of large stylized taotie in
                the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong,   XI, A812.            the Museum fur Kunsthandwerk in Frankfurt
                1989, pl. 65. A famille-verte example with   During the Kangxi period, the emperor,   am Main illustrated in Gunhild Gabbert,
                similar taotie mask decoration but resting                      Chinesisches Porzellan, Frankfurt am Main,
                                                an avid student of history, respected and
                                                admired the cultural tradition of venerating   1977, pl. 92. A rare blue and white archaistic
                                                the past. The famous Ming dynasty writer Wen   vessel with similarly tiered taotie masks and
                                                Zhenheng described the artifacts inspired by   with a dated inscription corresponding to the
                                                                                year 1669 was sold at Sotheby’s London, 13th
                                                antiquity as zhangwu, ‘superfluous things’.
                                                This humble term implied that contemporary   December 1988, lot 231. For an example of a
                                                iterations of works of art inspired by antiquity   Western Zhou dynasty bronze of a type that
                                                were mere playthings in comparison to their   may have served as inspiration for the present
                                                                                censer, see a bronze gui from the Qing Court
                                                ancient counterparts. Building on the firmly
                                                established cultural tradition to study and   Collection, the square base and rounded sides
                                                learn from antiquity, material adaptations of   crisply cast with large-scale taotie, illustrated
                                                archaic decorative motifs onto various media   in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
                                                                                Palace Museum, Bronze Ritual Vessels and
                                                provided the Qing dynasty elite with a tangible
                                                                                Musical Instruments, Hong Kong, 2006, pl. 32.

                Fig. 1  Iron-red and gilt three part censer and cover
                © The Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                圖一 五彩加金獸面紋方熏爐 © 故宮博物院收藏 北京

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