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專供文人書閣使用之藝術品歷史悠久,最早可以遠溯至漢代。明              1759年,乾隆帝御令西征,開通前往和闐之路。和闐乃絲路商務
                                                                                                                                            代中後期,文房玉器品類發展已經非常全面,時至清朝,玉器品              重地,盛產美玉,和闐之玉以其晶瑩通透而質地堅硬聞名。乾隆
                                                                                                                                            類涵蓋筆筒、筆山、臂擱、毛筆、筆洗、水滴、捲軸、鎮紙等,並             愛玉,和闐玉材供應源源不斷,促成推動藝匠技術及創意的發展
                                                                                                                                            有尺寸更大、為觀賞而製之陳設品。以下一組玉器出自路易斯維爾             革新,使清代玉雕藝術到達前所未有的高度。清代中至晚期文房
                                                                                                                                            市Speed藝術博物館(編號201至226),從中可見清代文人書閣陳        玉雕流行,正是由此而生。
                                                                                                                                            清代文人對自然界心馳神往,歷代文人追求歸隱山林,而清代文              大之博物館。該館由 Hattie Bishop Speed(1858-1942 年)於 1927
                                                                                                                                            士則在書閣之中探尋與大自然的聯繫。朝廷公務規限繁多,文士              年成立,以紀念其丈夫 James Breckinridge Speed(1844-1912 年)
                                                                                                                                            藉由寄情珍玩,神游天外。文房佳品在實用之餘,又或為品鑒賞              ,經過多年發展,現時珍藏來自世界各地之藝術精品。其館藏中
                                                                                                                                            玩而製,供文人自得其樂、雅娛賓客。                         國藝術品之主要捐贈者包括 William H. 及 Sophia H.(1912-2001
                                                                                                                                                                                      年)Harrison 伉儷以及Preston Pope Satterwhite(1867-1948年)醫

                   The Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Photo © Rafael Gamo
                   Speed藝術博物館,路易斯維爾市 照片 © Rafael Gamo

                   Objects created specifically for use on the scholar’s   (lot 204), and the incorporation of the archaic bronze
                   desks can be traced to at least as early as the Han   gu form in the pale celadon ‘boys’ vase (lot 201), speak
                   dynasty. During the mid- to late Ming dynasty, the full   of the owner’s reverence of the past and pay testament
                   repertoire of jade scholars’ objects was developed, and   to this distinctive aesthetic taste that dictated jade
                   by the Qing dynasty had come to include brushpots,   production in the 18th and 19th century.
                   brush rests, wrist rests, brushes, brush washers, water   A large factor that facilitated the popularity of these jade
                   droppers, scroll and paperweights, as well as larger   scholars’ objects in the mid- to late Qing dynasty was
                   objects for display on the desk. The following group of   Qianlong Emperor’s conquest of the Western Territories
                   jades from the Speed Art Museum, Louisville    (xiyu) in 1759, which allowed access to Khotan, one of
                   (lots 201-226), represents a small selection of   the most important trading oases along the Silk Road.
                   exquisite scholars’ objects that would have been   The geological setting was extremely favorable for the
                   displayed, cherished and enjoyed in a scholar’s studio   formation of high-quality nephrite, and Khotan jade,
                   during the Qing dynasty.                  renowned for its translucency and extreme hardiness,
                   The natural world had a keen grip on the imaginations   was highly prized. The Emperor’s passion for jade and
                   of the Qing literati, who, unable to live in the arcadian   the court’s access to unprecedented quantities of the
                   natural environments their ancestors wrote of, could only   raw material ushered in a new age of jade carving,
                   seek to bring the outside world into their studios. The   pushing the craftsmen’s technical and creative capacities
                   scholars’ objects were an extension of the natural world   to new heights.
                   they sought to connect to and served as a spiritual   The Speed Art Museum, Louisville is the oldest and
                   escape from the regulated court life. While some   largest museum in Kentucky. Founded by Hattie Bishop
                   objects would have been kept in the scholar’s studio   Speed (1858–1942) as a memorial to her husband,
                   serving utilitarian purposes; others served no particular   James Breckinridge Speed (1844-1912), in 1927, the
                   purpose except for the personal enjoyment of the   museum has grown to encompass a collection of artwork
                   owner, as well as his select invited audience.
                                                             from across the world. Major donors of Chinese art
                   Intimately placed in the scholar’s private studio, these   include William H. and Sophia H. (1912-2001) Harrison,
                   objects were viewed as a reflection of the personal   who donated many jades previously in the T.B. Walker
                   aesthetics, ideals and aspirations of the owner. During   Collection, and Dr. Preston Pope Satterwhite (1867-1948),
                   this time, many craftsmen looked to archaic forms and   who was also a collector of fifteenth- to seventeenth-
                   designs and adapted them to suit the prevailing Qing   century French and Italian decorative arts and a
                   court taste. Details such as the swirling cloud scrolls   prominent benefactor of the museum.
                   carved in low-relief on the rare yellow jade archaistic vase
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