Page 38 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 38

It is rare to find a Tibetan zitan figure of this quality in such   以紫檀木料雕琢之藏傳佛像寥若晨星,如本尊度母像
           well preserved condition, with the intricate gilt-lacquer floral   保存完好者更為難得。John  及  Berthe  Ford  珍藏一尊
           decoration on the robes intact. Another closely related   紫檀僧人像,其衣袍上描金花卉紋樣與本尊度母像相
           zitan figure depicting a monk, with similar gilt-lacquer floral   似,載於  Pratapaditya  Pal,《Desire  and  Devotion:  Art
           motifs in the John and Berthe Ford collection is illustrated in   from India, Nepal and Tibet in The John and Berthe Ford
           Pratapaditya Pal, Desire and Devotion: Art from India, Nepal
           and Tibet in The John and Berthe Ford Collection, Baltimore,   Collection》,巴爾的摩,2001年,頁298,圖版174。
           2001, p. 298, pl. 174, where it is assigned to the 15th century.
           This statue represents Paripacaka Tara, the thirteenth
           image of a group known as the Twenty-One Taras, based on   母,須彌坐前方底邊泥金書藏文,意為「頂禮手持像
           a text called Praises to the Twenty-One Taras in which the   火燃燒的護災瓶的度母」,向烈焰度母致敬。二十一
           Buddhist goddess appears in different peaceful and wrathful   度母是度脫和拯救苦難眾生的一族女神,亦為觀世音
           forms. The corresponding verse for this image reads as   菩薩的化身。烈焰度母禮贊文曰:禮敬如末劫火母,
           follows:                                  安住熾盛火焰中,展右蜷左普樂轉,善能摧毀怨敵
           ‘Homage to you, Tara, who dwell within a blazing garland   軍。
           that resembles the fire at the end of this world age;
           Surrounded by joy, you sit with your right leg extended and
           left withdrawn, completely destroying all the masses of
           She is known as ‘Tara who Bestows Maturity’, and this
           particular iconography seems to follow Atiśa’s tradition.
           The Tibetan inscription on the base reads:
           (bcu gsum) // rje btsun ma me ltar ’bar ma bar chad bsrung
           ba’i bum pa b[s]nams pa la na mo//

           ‘Thirteen // Homage to Tara who, being ablaze like fire,
           carries a vase holding back hindrances.’

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