Page 46 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 46

fig. 1
           Qing gaozong yuzhi shiwen quanji [anthology of imperial qianlong poems and text], yuzhi shi san ji [imperial poetry, vol. 3], juan 37, p. 24

             Jade pattern blurred by mud, its sheen is veiled,   the Han-dynasty jade bi mounted in a zitan table screen was
             An aspect like a wise old man, weather-beaten but   presented to the Emperor by eunuch Ruyi.
             not broken.                             The present table screen, with the sides of the archaic jade
             The beauty before my eyes more than a thousand   bi and the reverse of the zitan screen both engraved with
             years old,                              coherent poems, is a notable work of art combining history
             Proportions calculated, circles well rounded, in   and art. It demonstrates the Qianlong Emperor’s artistic soul
             admirable harmony.                      in advocating antiquity as a source of inspiration for modern
             Cut and polished, and yet not over-worked,    designs, and the depth of his personal involvement in his
             Its original spirit is well preserved,    collection.
             Its fine grain well protected. What a treasure!
                                                     Several similar zitan screens holding ancient jade bi discs
                                                     were made for the Qianlong Emperor and inscribed with his
           According to the Zaobanchu Archives of the Qing Imperial   poems, most of them today preserved in the National Palace
           Household Department, on 19th day of the 3rd month of the   Museum, Taipei. Four related examples with grain-patterned
           28th year of the Qianlong reign (corresponding to 1763),   bi, are illustrated in Ch’in Hsiao-yi, Illustrated Catalogue of
           the Emperor was presented with a Han-dynasty jade bi by   Ancient Jade Artifacts in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
           the eunuch Ruyi. The Qianlong Emperor commissioned a   1982, pls 63, 68, 188 and 189. Only two related screens,
           table screen to be made for the piece, and requested for a   both with plain bi discs, appear to be known outside the
           drawing to be submitted prior to the making of the screen.   National Palace Museum, both sold in our rooms, one with
           On the 28th day of the 3rd month, the table screen for   an inscription dated in accordance with 1774, sold in London,
           which the drawing had been approved will be made, and   29th March 1977, lot 180; the other with its inscription
           the eunuch Ruyi presented the Han-dynasty jade bi for the   apparently undated, sold in these rooms, 15th November
           combination of the works. On the 14th day of the 5th month,   1989, lot 503.

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