Page 65 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 65

The present jardinière is notable for the ornate design of   本器紋飾獨特,每面中央飾輪花紋,似由蓮花演變,
                             lotus blooms amongst foliate scrolls. The unique rendering   綴纏枝番蓮紋。紋飾充滿西洋色彩。西番蓮,西洋傳
                             of floral medallions cornered by pink lotuses in profile forms   入的一種花卉,匍地而生,春將藤壓地,自生根,工
                             a symmetrical design, further enhanced by the thoughtful   匠巧以其形態作纏枝花紋。
                             arrangement of stylised aerial lotuses wrapping around
                             the sides creating an overall unity to the design. While the
                             lotus is a traditionally Chinese motif, the style in which the   清康熙年間,大量西方傳教士來華,把先進科學技術
                             decoration has been painted is inspired by Western painting   傳入宮廷,影響深遠。他們不僅在宮中作西洋器物,
                             techniques which were introduced to the court by Jesuit   更參與皇家庭園的設計及建築,在內廷作坊與中國工
                             missionaries.                             匠一起,創造出異域風情的中國藝術品,別具富麗華
                             Although no other jardinière of this type appears to have   貴的宮廷韻味。
                             been published, a similar form is known in porcelain
                             jardinières made earlier in the Kangxi period, see a blue and   傳世品中,未見相同器物記載,台北故宮博物院藏一
                             white example in the National Palace Museum, included in   康熙朝例,其形制與本器相似,錄陳玉秀,《瓶盆風
                             Chen Yuh-Shiow ed., The Enchanting Splendour of Vases and   華─明清花器特展圖錄》,台北,2014年,圖版I-21
                             Planters: A Special Exhibition of Flower Vessels from the Ming   ,筆者認為康熙朝燒製不少青花或五彩花盆,常用作
                             and Qing Dynasties, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014,   盆景,但雍正及乾隆時期此類花盆產量下降,或因瓷
                             cat. no. I-21. It has been suggested that jardinières of such   花盆耐用,不必再造,見前書頁73。
                             form, usually decorated in blue and white or famille-verte, are
                             made during the Kangxi period. These vessels then declined
                             in production in the succeeding reigns during the Yongzheng
                             and Qianlong periods, probably due to the durability of
                             these porcelain vessels. These vessels are known in Chinese
                             as penjing (pot landscapes) and were popular in the Qing
                             dynasty for miniature gardens or bonsai trees, as illustrated
                             in the detail of a Qing dynasty painting published in ibid., p.
                             For other vessels also decorated with famille-rose flowers
                             reserved on a lavender ground, see an 18th century cupstand
                             sold in these rooms on 7th October 2010, lot 2164.

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