Page 83 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 83

The Qing dynasty witnessed the peak period of court   有清一代,供職畫家鼎盛,與身兼官職的詞臣畫家相
                             painters, whose practices differed from poet-officials   對,由專職的書畫人才帶領學徒,依節慶、建築裝
                             and painter-officials. Court painters were apprenticed to   飾、擺設、賞玩等需求作畫,作品多精緻華美,具南
                             professional calligraphers and painters and drew materials   宋遺風。自惲南田後,內廷花卉畫風無不受其影響,
                             from festivals, architecture, ornament and furnishings. Their   以瀟灑秀逸、形神兼備、饒富文人趣味為主,其後如
                             works, mostly delicate and elegant, followed the legacy of   蔣廷錫、余省、董誥等著名畫家皆以此為宗,以「沒
                             the Southern Song dynasty. Yun Nantian initiated a natural
                             and unrestrained style of court flower paintings, whose   骨法」著色渲染,色彩研潤亮麗,精工細膩,筆力沉
                             works vividly convey both form and spirit and demonstrate   穩,盡顯華貴。
                             the interests of scholars. His painting style deeply influenced
                             the renowned painters, such as Jiang Tingxi, Yu Xing and   本幅題名《壽寓恒春》,董誥亦曾繪一冊,著錄於《
                             Dong Gao. All of their works are characterised by bright   石渠寶笈三編》,此冊雖非董氏所作,卻可明顯看出
                             colours without independent lines, exquisite brushwork and   其影響,參見台北故宮藏董誥《畫益壽霏香冊》,可
                             steady strokes.                           見不論題材、用色、構圖、筆法等皆有相似處,應為
                             This painting is called ‘Longevity as the Evergreens’. The   臨摹之作,至於是同期內廷供奉、親王府供職畫家、
                             famous painter, Dong Gao, painted under the same title   抑或是後代宮廷畫家所臨寫,則猶未可知。
                             that was included in Shiqu Baoji (sanbian) [The Precious
                             Collection of the Stone Canal Pavilion (Third Volume)].
                             Although this was not Dong Gao’s work, his influence is
                             obvious. Looking closely at Dong Gao’s works which are
                             preserved in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, especially
                             Albums of Flowers, there are many similarities, including
                             theme, coloring, structure, composition, brush strokes. This
                             work is supposed to be created by someone imitating Dong
                             Gao. But the identity of the painter, whether he was a court
                             painter at the same period as Dong Gao, or from a later
                             period, remains unknown.

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