Page 225 - Saturday Sale Asian Art March 18 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 225

1544                                               1545                                               1546

A PALE CELADON JADE BOY                            A CELADON AND BROWN JADE                           A CELADON JADE RETICULATED
QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH                          MYTHICAL BEAST                                     ‘BOY AND LOTUS’ PENDANT
CENTURY                                            MING DYNASTY                                       SONG DYNASTY

the stone nely worked to depict the boy astride a  carved recumbent with its legs tucked beneath its  carved and pierced with a boy seated on a lotus
hobby horse holding the reins with one hand, the   body and tail curled alongside its rear haunches,  leaf issuing further pods and foliage, grasping a
other holding aloft two lingzhi stems; together    detailed with rounded eyes beneath bushy           stem with one hand and the other resting on top
with a gray jade carving of a boy holding a lotus  eyebrows, the stone of a grayish-green su used     of the leaf
stem (2)                                           with brown-black inclusions                        Height 2 in., 5.1 cm
Height 1⅞ in., 4.8 cm                              Length 2 in., 5 cm
                                                                                                      $ 3,000-4,000
$ 1,500-2,000                                      $ 2,000-3,000
㶭⋩ℓġİġ⋩ḅᶾ䲨ġġġ䌱晽䪍⫸㈲ẞℑẞ                              㖶ġġġ墸㔹曺䌱晽䐆䌠㈲ẞ

                           1544                                                                             1546


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