Page 14 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 14


A YUE CELADON CARVED AND MOULDED                                            The box may have been used as a cosmetic box. The soft and greyish-
‘PEONY’ CIRCULAR BOX AND COVER                                              green glaze is comparable to that seen on the finest Yue wares of the
                                                                            10th century known as mise or ‘secret colour’. Compare to a box with
NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (960-1127)                                            a countersunk base and carved with a very similar decoration, illustrated
                                                                            in Zhongguo taoci quanji: Yueyao, vol. 4, Shanghai, 1981, pl. 183; another
The shallow domed cover is moulded in relief with a scrolling peony spray,  with a foot ring and slightly varying decoration illustrated ibid., pl. 200;
the veining of the petals incised. The box is supported on a splayed foot.  and a third example also with a foot ring but carved with three peony
Both the box and the cover are applied overall with an olive-green glaze.   blossoms in the Freer Gallery of Art, illustrated in Oriental Ceramics: The
                                                                            World's Great Collections, vol. 9, Tokyo; New York; San Francisco, 1981,
5 æ in. (14.7 cm.) diam., box                                               no. 9.

HK$500,000-800,000  US$65,000-100,000                                      此盒釉色素潔高雅,一般作胭脂盒用,為公元十世紀浙江越窯窯場經典之
北宋 越窯牡丹紋蓋盒                                                                  李皇后陵出土之秘色瓷器即為力證。

                                                                            藏一件帶圈足刻以三朵牡丹紋的例子,載於《Oriental Ceramics, The
                                                                            World's Great Collections》,1981年,圖版9號。

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