Page 28 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 28
A YAOZHOU CARVED ‘PEONY’ EWER 五代/北宋 耀州窯青釉刻牡丹紋獅口水注
The ewer is carved in relief with a broad peony band, applied to the
shoulder with a lion-form spout and strap handle, covered overall with a 著錄
densely crackled glaze of pale celadon tone with the exception of the foot 譚旦冏,《中國陶瓷史》,下冊,台北,1985年,503頁
ring revealing the pale grey body.
8 Ω in. (21.5 cm.) high, box 縣黃堡鎮,創燒於唐代,至十世紀起主要生產青瓷。十世紀的耀州窯青瓷
HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000 的執壺上表現尤為突出。在對耀州窯窯址的發掘中,考古學家在五代至北
EXHIBITED 阪市立東洋陶磁美術館編,《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華ひらいた名窯》,東
Chugoku meito ten: Chugoku toji 2000-nen no seika (Exhibition of Chinese 京,1997年,106頁,編號143。 前揭書亦載有一件早期耀州窯名品,現
Pottery: Two Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramics), Tokyo, 1992, no. 19 藏於陝西歷史博物館的青釉刻花倒流壺,見該書26至27頁,編號28。這件
LITERATURE 底注水的倒流壺,體現了早期耀州窯在技術上的高超成就。
Tan Dan-jiong, History of Chinese Ceramics, vol. 2, Taipei, 1985, p. 503
Ewers of the present form with decorations finely carved in high relief
are among the earliest celadon wares produced in the Yaozhou kilns at
Huangbao county, Tongchuan city, Shaanxi province. Sherds of ewers
with similar glaze and form were found in the Five Dynasties-Early
Northern Song Strata at the Yaozhou kiln sites including a restored ewer
of very similar form and decoration, illustrated in Museum of Oriental
Ceramics, Osaka (eds), The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, Tokyo, 1997,
p. 106, no. 143. A very well-known Yaozhou ‘inverted’ ewer is in the
Shaanxi History Museum, illustrated in ibid., pp. 26-27, no. 28, which is
very similar in form and decoration to the present ewer, but is designed
to be filled from the base, showing the technical achievement of early
Yaozhou wares.
26 (base 底部)