Page 7 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 7

Dr. Yang (left) and former director of the National Palace Museum Mr. Ch'in Hsiao-Yi (right)

Dr.Yang, who formed the Yangdetang               for his knowledge and expertise, who              養德堂主人楊醫師,是著名的中國文物資
       Collection, was a renowned and widely     played a pivotal role in the curation of the               深藏家,收藏範圍涵蓋歷代陶瓷、高古
respected collector of Chinese works of art.     Yangdetang Collection.The solid friendship        玉器及現代藝術,質量俱佳,品味高雅,逾卅
His distinguished collection, built up over      between Dr.Yang and Mr. Chang sets an             年孜孜不倦,精益求精,素為文物界敬重。
three decades, encompasses a number of           admirable example of the mutual respect and
superb ceramic pieces spanning across various    trust expected between a seasoned collector       1980年代,楊醫師受中國陶瓷專家、台北故
dynasties, archaic jade carvings, as well as a   and his/her trusted adviser.                      宮陶瓷顧問暨倫敦東方陶瓷學會會員陳昌蔚先
variety of outstanding modern art works.                                                           生(1907-1997)引導,進入中國文物收藏
                                                 Through Mr. Chen Chang-Wei’s support,             領域,又先後得台北故宮前副院長譚旦冏先生
During the 1980s, Dr.Yang was introduced         selected pieces from Dr.Yang’s exceptional        (1906-1996)及前院長秦孝儀先生(1921-
to Mr. Chen Chang-Wei (1907-1997), a             ceramic collection were included in several       2007)鼓勵,並時相請益結為師友。於中國文
member of the Oriental Ceramic Society,          important exhibitions held in Taiwan and          物收藏系列之規劃,則委由資深古董商張偉華
London, as well as an adviser to the             Japan, including The Exhibition of Chinese        先生提供專業諮商逾30年,體現傑出收藏家對
National Palace Museum,Taipei.Through            Ceramics of Eight Dynasties, held at the          專業古董商的尊重與互信,因而結為摯交,在
his friendship with Mr. Chen, Dr.Yang was        National Museum of History,Taipei in 1987;        收藏界傳為佳話。
initiated into the world of collecting. He       as well as the touring exhibition Exhibition of
later formed acquaintances with Mr.Tan           Chinese Pottery:Two Thousand Years of Chinese     其中,楊醫師所珍藏之陶瓷精品,曾由陳昌蔚先
Dan-jiong (1906-1996) and Mr. Ch’in Hsiao-       Ceramics, held in various cities in Japan in      生推薦,參加1987年於台北國立歷史博物館所
Yi (1921-2007), the former Deputy Director       1992.The latter, hailed as an extremely           舉辦的《中國八代陶瓷精品展》;1992年,再參
and Director of the National Palace Museum       successful and important cultural event in        加由日本讀賣新聞主辦,台北國立歷史博物館、
respectively, who became his mentors in the      Asia, was the first Chinese art exhibition        日本 MOA美術館協辦的《中國陶瓷展》,於日
field of collecting.Through these invaluable     in Japan to exhibit art works from Hong           本東京、大阪、京都等地巡迴展出,是日本首次
relationships, Dr.Yang’s passion in Chinese art  Kong and Taiwanese private collectors. Of         有港台藏家參展的中國陶瓷展覽,蔚為文化界
collecting grew substantially and established    particular note was an extremely rare and         盛事。其中,楊醫師所藏一對元代龍泉窯「飛青
himself as a serious and learned collector.      important pair of Longquan celadon iron-          瓷」蒜頭瓶(拍品3133號),更是驚艷全場。佳
                                                 splashed garlic-mouth vases (Lot 3133), which     士得有幸拍賣此優秀的珍藏,與有榮焉。
Dr.Yang had also cultivated a long-standing      attracted great admiration for their elegance
friendship with Mr. Chang Wei-Hwa, the           and ethereal beauty. Christie’s is privileged to
distinguished antique dealer, well-respected     be offering this unique collection at auction.

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