Page 26 - Lunyushanren Col II
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The companion to the present dish, also formerly in the collections 定窯是五大名窯中唯一以紋飾見長者,素有「定州花瓷」的美稱。本件定
of Edward T. Chow and Linyushanren, was sold in The Classic Age 窯於盤內裝飾折枝蓮花一朵,線條俐落,流暢如畫,為定窯劃花工藝的傑
of Chinese Ceramics - The Linyushanren Collection, Part I; Christie’s 出代表。雕者先以長斜刀勾勒,繼而用梳齒工具押刻蓖紋,最後於輪廓的
Hong Kong, 2 December 2015, lot 2816. (Fig. 1) Another Ding 一側施加深峻的直刀,有如中鋒、側鋒交替用筆,在牙白釉沉積處暈散出
dish with carved lotus spray meandering towards the right is in the 濃淡交替的筆墨韻味。而花、葉內加刻的蓖紋更是抽象的表現出了植物表
Meiyintang Collection and illustrated by R. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics 面的質感。定窯中刻有此種紋飾的折腰盤殊不多見。同類定窯劃花牡丹紋
from the Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994, vol. 1, p. 205, no. 362. A 折腰盤僅見三例: 其中一件與本品為一對,為仇炎之及臨宇山人舊藏,於
third similar Ding dish is illustrated in A Dealer’s Hand: The Chinese Art 2015年12月2日在香港佳士得《古韻天成 – 臨宇山人珍藏(一)》專場中拍
World through the Eyes of Guiseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, p. 284, no. 賣,拍品2816號(圖一); 一件為瑞士玫茵堂珍藏,牡丹花枝轉向右側,
273. Compare, also, a related Ding dish carved with a peony spray on 著錄於康蕊君著《中國陶瓷》卷一,1994年,205頁,圖錄編號362;另
the interior and peony scroll on the exterior, illustrated by Tsai Meifen, 一件為埃斯肯納齊舊藏,見《中國藝術品經眼錄-埃斯肯納齊的回憶》,
Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou: White Ding Wares from the collection of the 倫敦,2012年,284頁,編號273。台北故宮另藏一件時代稍晚的類似例
National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, p. 86-87, no. II-41. 子,花葉滿鋪內外壁,刀筆豪邁,著錄於蔡玫芬,《定州花瓷-院藏定窯
It is interesting to note that excavations at the Silongkou Yue kiln
site have revealed dishes of similar form and design from the Southern 刻有同類紋飾的折腰盤亦見於南宋早期的越窯。慈溪寺龍口越窯址南宋地
Song stratum (see Silongkou yueyao zhi (Silongkou Yue Ware Kiln Site), 層出土有多件折枝花紋盤,見《寺龍口越窯址》,北京,2002年,108-
Beijing, 2002, pp. 108-113). In order to assert his legitimacy to the 113頁。據《中興禮書》記載,南宋高宗紹興元年 (1131)、紹興四年
throne, the Southern Song Emperor Gaozong made huge efforts to (1134)朝廷曾分別命越州和紹興府余姚縣燒造明堂祭器。而在杭州發現的
re-establish the Northern Song imperial rites and court life after feeing 一件折枝花紋葵口折腰盤殘片的圈足內則明確刻有「御廚」字款,為南宋
to Hangzhou. According to the Southern Song offcial book, Zhongxing 宮廷御用器,見金志偉,‘“御廚”字款越瓷再探’,《故宮博物院院刊》
lishu (Book of Rites in the Age of Revival), in the 1st and 4th year of ,2001年第1期,圖版八。高宗皇帝南渡中興後在臨安大力恢復汴京宮廷
the Shaoxing reign (1131 and 1134), the Southern Song court ordered 的典章制度,不僅下令燒造瓷製祭器,亦嘗試復原北宋宮廷的生活用器。
Yuezhou and Shaoxingfu Yuyaoxian to produce ceramic ritual vessels for 此式折腰盤應為北宋宮廷官樣瓷,為曲陽定窯首創,在南宋時又在宮廷的
the imperial sacrifcial hall. Gaozong not only ordered local Yue kilns to 授命下由越窯仿燒,期間亦可能有定窯南渡工匠的參與。
make ritual vessels but also to produce wares for daily use in the Northern
Song imperial style. A shard of a Southern Song Yue ware dish of very
similar form and design bearing a yuchu (Imperial Kitchen) mark, found
at Hangzhou, is illustrated by Jin Zhiwei, ‘Yuchu zikuan yueci zaitan’
(Study of Yue Wares Bearing Yuchu Marks), Palace Museum Journal, 2001,
no. 1, pl. 8.
another view
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二) 24