Page 109 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 109
The present bell of impressive size, sturdily cast with unusual 此交龍鈕鐘碩大宏偉,沿邊呈波浪形,紀年康熙三十八年
foliate rims and surmounted by a powerful two-dragon crown, (1699年)四月,乃浙江省紹興市山陰縣信眾供捐,為供
is an object of devotion, probably made for a monastery in the 奉寺院而製,祈藉此積德種福。
early Qing dynasty. According to the inscription, the bell can be
dated to the 4th month in the 38th year of the Kangxi period 北京大鐘寺古鐘博物館藏一鐘,原置澶淵寺,器形與此
(1699) and was commissioned by a group of devotees from 相近,尺寸略小,紀年康熙五十八年(1719年),收錄
Shanyin, Shaoxing county, Zhejiang, who prayed that their
patronage would bring themselves and their families longevity 於《La voix du dragon, Trésors Archéologiques et Art
and prosperity. Campanaire de la Chine Ancienne》,音樂博物館,巴
A Buddhist bell of similar shape but smaller size, dated by
inscription to the 58th year of the Kangxi reign (1719), from the 為康熙四十一年(1702年),編號106。柏林寺另有紀年
Shanyuan monastery, now in the Ancient Bell Museum, Beijing, 四十六(1707年)之銅鐘,同存於北京大鐘寺古鐘博物
was included in the exhibition La voix du dragon, Trésors 館。且有一例,定為康熙年間之物,售於香港蘇富比1990
Archéologiques et Art Campanaire de la Chine Ancienne,
Musée de la Musique, Paris, 2000, cat. no. 107; together
with a larger example, with a cyclical date corresponding to 全錦雲在〈L’histoire des cloches anciennes fanzhong
1702, cat. no. 106. See also one dated to 1707 from the Bailin
Monastery, now also preserved in the Ancient Bell Museum, en Chine〉一文中,提及自漢朝佛教傳入中土,即有此類
Beijing. Another bell of this type, with stylised characters and 銅鐘,時已有「梵鐘」之稱。現存最早花式沿邊銅鐘,
attributed to the Kangxi reign, was sold in these rooms, 14th 乃北宋之物,同上註,編號76。至明,這類銅鐘愈益風
November 1990, lot 420.
Quan Jinyou in ‘L’histoire des cloches anciennes fanzhong en 瓣下同見長方形開光,同上註,編號85及86。還可參見
Chine’, La voix du dragon, op. cit., pp. 231-237, discusses bells 斯德哥爾摩民族學博物館藏鐘,紀年1532,圖見 Sheila
of this type, noting that they developed with the introduction
Riddell,《Dated Chinese Antiquities》,倫敦,1979
of Buddhism during the Han dynasty, when the term fanzhong
began to be used. The earliest surviving bell with foliate rim, 年,圖版125,同書並收錄紀年1499之例,器形相近,但
is however attributed to the Northern Song dynasty, ibid., cat. 以仿古動物紋飾之,圖版124。
no. 76. Bells of this type grew in popularity during the Ming
dynasty, when a large number of examples appear to have
been cast. See for examples, a Buddhist and a Daoist bell,
particularly similar in shape to the present example and also
cast with rectangular panels under a band of lotus petals,
from the Zhengde period, included ibid., cat. nos 85 and
86. Compare also a bell dated to 1532, in the Ethnographic
Museum, Stockholm, illustrated in Sheila Riddell, Dated
Chinese Antiquities, London, 1979, pl. 125, together with one of
a similar form but decorated with archaistic animals and with
an inscription dating it to 1499, pl. 124.