Page 146 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 146


           PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT ASIAN PRIVATE   明末十六世紀末至十七世紀初   黃花梨高靠背官帽椅一對
           ARMCHAIRS                                 羅勃特.畢格史伉儷收藏
           LATE MING DYNASTY, LATE 16TH – EARLY      紐約佳士得1997年9月18日,編號40(其一)
           17TH CENTURY                              嘉木堂,香港
           each with the shaped top rail with a small head-rest and   出版:
           gently everted ends, the plain S-shaped back splat tongue-  柯惕思,羅勃特 · 〈畢格史藏中國古典家具〉,《Journal
           and-grooved into the underside of the top rail and tenoned   of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society》,1992年秋,
           to the back member of the seat frame, the two black splats
           with active patterns cut from the same piece of wood, the
           stiles tenoned into the top rail and, like the front posts, pass   Sarah Handler,〈A Yokeback Chair for Sitting Tall〉,
           through the seat forming the legs, the elongated S-shaped   《Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society》
           arms, mortised and tenoned into the stiles and pipe-joined to
           the posts, supported by tapering S-shaped braces of circular
           section, the mitred, mortised and tenoned seat frame with
           exposed tenons on the short rails and with two transverse   號3
           braces underneath, the edge of the seat frame moulds
           downward and inward to end in a narrow flat band, drilled
           for soft seat construction fitted with old matting, all above a
           plain straight apron butt-joined to the underside of the seat,
           tongue-and-grooved into the legs and tenoned to the footrail,
           the side aprons similarly constructed whilst the back apron left
           plain and high, the legs joined by a shaped footrail in front, with
           rectangular side stretchers and an oval one in the back, all with
           exposed tenons, the footrest and stretchers with plain shaped
           aprons below
           121.3 by 60.4 by 45.3 cm, 47¾ by 23¾ by 17⅞ in.
           Collection of Mr and Mrs Robert P. Piccus.
           Christie’s New York, 18th September 1997, lot 40 (one of the
           Grace Wu Bruce, Hong Kong.
           Curtis Evarts, Classic Chinese Furniture in the Piccus
           Collection, Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society,
           Autumn 1992, no. 12.
           Sarah Handler, A Yokeback Chair for Sitting Tall, Journal of the
           Classical Chinese Furniture Society, Spring 1993, no. 16.
           Grace Wu Bruce, Chinese Furniture. Wenfang Works of Art,
           Hong Kong, 2003, cat. no. 3.

           HK$ 10,000,000-15,000,000
           US$ 1,280,000-1,920,000

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