Page 236 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 236


           A RARE LOBED YELLOW-GROUND AND            明嘉靖    黃地紅彩八卦雲鶴紋倭角長方蓋盒
           IRON-RED DECORATED ‘CRANE’ BOX AND              《大明嘉靖年製》款
           of quatrelobed form, the box potted with rounded sides resting
           on a short foot of corresponding form, the exterior decorated
           in iron red with four cranes, each bird alternating with two
           ruyi cloud scrolls, all below a classic scroll band bordering the
           straight rim and repeated at the rim of the cover, the cover
           with a rounded border similarly decorated with a frieze of flying
           cranes and ruyi cloud scrolls, surrounding a raised quatrelobed
           panel enclosing a crane framed by ruyi cloud scrolls and the
           Eight Trigrams, all against a bright yellow ground, the white
           base inscribed in underglaze blue with a six-character reign
           12.6 cm, 4⅞ in.
           Acquired from Uragami Sokyu-do Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 2009.
           HK$ 800,000-1,000,000
           US$ 102,000-128,000

           A devoted follower of Daoism, the Jiajing Emperor’s pursuit   嘉靖帝一生篤信道教,迷戀方士丹藥,以求長生不老。景
           of immortality led not only to his infatuation with alchemy but   德鎮御廠燒製大量瓷器及道教用具,以供宮中大量法事活
           the domination of Daoist rituals in court, a natural result of
           which was the proliferation of imperial wares commissioned
           for ritualistic purposes. Supplied especially by Jingdezhen,
           such artefacts brim with Daoist imagery such as cranes
           and the ‘eight trigrams’, presenting the promise of attaining   黃地紅釉裝飾似乎僅見於明嘉靖一朝,並深得皇帝的青
           immortality and exaltation.               睞。「黃上紅」釉彩套迭工藝繁複,窰燒三次方能成器。
           Rarely employed, the colour scheme of the present piece
           may have been specific to the Jiajing reign, during which   塗飾紋飾之外的地子,襯托出黃色花紋,以低溫烘烤,稍
           its auspicious significance was fully appreciated by the   一不慎,前功盡費,不能成器。
           emperor. It was most likely its onerous production method
           that precluded a more widespread use: not only were three   此盒器形嬌小,傳世品中不為多見,甚為珍罕。
           firings – one for the clear-glazed porcelain, one for the yellow
           overglaze enamel, and a third for the design-bearing iron-red
           enamel – necessary, the difficulty of even-handedly applying
           the red around the designs in yellow must have contributed to
           an exceptionally high rate of failure.
           The small size of this present piece is also noted for its rarity
           among heirlooms of a similar type.


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