Page 290 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 290


           A HUANGHUALI SCROLL CHEST                 明末   黃花梨書箱
           of generous proportion, the cover hinged on the reverse
           of the chest with two rectangular baitong strap hinges, the
           interior with two transverse stretchers to secure the top of the
           cover to the four straight sides, decorated with a ruyi-shaped
           metal mount at each of the four corners with further mounts
           extending downward along the edges of the cover and box,
           the front inlaid with a circular metal plate with lock receptacles
           and a lobed ruyi-shaped lift-up hasp, the sides flanked by a
           pair of U-shaped metal loop handles suspending from roundels
           33 by 74 by 45 cm, 13 by 29⅛ by 17⅝ in.
           HK$ 500,000-800,000
           US$ 64,000-102,000

           288     SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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