Page 1 - Dr. Fanuel Liyayi Musotsi CV
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                        F A N U E L   L I Y A Y I

                                        M U S O T S I

                                               C L I N I C A L   O F F I C E R

            Kidunguni,Likoni, Mombasa,
              P.O BOX 96191-80100,                   +254708039014        
               MOMBASA, KENYA.

                                               An experienced and fully qualified registered clinical officer with 4+ years of
                                               working experience. Am efficient, thorough, and passionate about delivering the
                                               best levels of care to patients. I possess extensive healthcare experience in a wide
                                               range of medical and surgical fields and have required physical, mental, and
                                               emotional strength to stand up to the rigour of this demanding profession. Can
                                               work autonomously and have a vast knowledge of using the latest state-of-the-art
                                               medical equipment to treat, observe, and record the condition of patients. As a
                                               driven individual who wants to progress, I am now looking for any suitable clinical
                                               officer position with any public or private health facilities.

       P E R S O N A L
       D E T A I L S
                                               L I N K S

       Date of birth  : 20/06/1993
                                               Fanuel :                               TWITTER:
       Nationality  : KENYAN
       Visa status  : APPROVED
                                               FACEBOOK:                              Linkedln:
       Marital status  : SINGLE      
                                               yayimusotsi/?viewas=                   uel-liyayi-musotsi-86bb2211a

       L A N G U A G E S

                                               W O R K   E X P E R I E N C E

                                               SAU HEALTH             CLINICAL OFFICER
       Kiswahili                               SERVICES.
                                               Feb 2017 - Present     • Taking the patient's history and examining patients.
                                               Mombasa,Kenya.         • Supervising clinical, nursing, and laboratory

                                                                      • Sending patients for radiology and laboratory tests.

                                                                      • Counseling of patients.
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