Page 96 - TuyenTap 2018 VTLV
P. 96

Tuyển Tập VTLV 2018

                    YOU AND ME

                    (Em Và Ta)

                    You’re a tamed river
                    Pondering half your life
                    I’m scorching sun
                    Dry it’s vain strife

                    You’re a vast desert
                    Alone in this world
                    I’m a flash flood
                    Restore it fertile

                    You’re a fragile rose
                    Withered with sadness
                    I’m the morning dews
                    Restore it’s freshness

                    You’re a lone boat
                    Caught up in typhoon
                    I’ll make you float
                    Bring it back lagoon

                    English version by Phạ  Đức Hi n

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