Page 2 - Perfect Taste Catalogue Website (Poster (Portrait))
P. 2

Our range of delicious

    handmade biscuits and

              rusks are made with

    wholesome ingredients

                                                       and love...

                                                                                                                                                             Cinnamon Rusk

    Our products are baked on                                                                                                          All the goodness of a Rusk made

    order and when you need                                                                                                   with real buttermilk and a touch of

    them                                                                                                                                 cinnamon for extra decadence.

    You are receiving them  fresh

    with a long shelf life

                                                                                                     Our Sliced Buttermilk Rusks

     Buttermilk                                                                 Muesli                                                                          Bran

     Dunk your homemade buttermilk rusk into your cup of coffee

     or tea, allowing it to soak up the goodness before taking a bite.
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