Page 5 - Deacon Ackie C. Lynn Celebration of Life Flipbook_Neat
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My Husband, My Best Friend
My Knight in shining armor,
On April 27, 2019, you swept me off
my feet to begin my most amazing
life as your wife.
We shared our loved so
affectionately that you knew that I
loved you and I knew you loved
me. We had the kind of chemistry
that happens only once in a lifetime.
Our foundation was truly built on
honesty, dedication and friendship.
You gave me the opportunity to feel
love like no other.
Your un-wavering, nurturing love
after my accident showed the
strength and foundation of our love
only to be matched by my caring for
you in your time of need. Thank
you for our time together. I will
always Love you!
I Love me some Ackie Lynn!!!