Page 4 - Pastor Wallace Coleman Installation Program 2022
P. 4

It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer,
                                        It is a fine work he desires to do. 1 Timothy 3:1

                     elcome Pastor  Coleman  and  Lady Coleman  to   - I will go. At the Father’s appointed  time Jesus came to
           W  this  place  of  God’s  presence  and  God’s       earth so that you would never need to be far from Him.
           people.  It is with great joy that the  Mt. Pleasant Church   What  an  incredible  journey  He  made;  what  an
           family welcomes Dr. Wallace Coleman  as our Pastor  and   overwhelming  expression  of  love,  what  an  awesome
           the lovely Lady Coleman as our First Lady!            purpose He had in mind. You were in His heart. When He
                                                                 left His home in heaven, He saw you, When He became a
           These last several months have been an exciting time for   man  on  earth,  He  was  seeking  you,  when  He  stretched
           us as we’ve gotten to know you and your family and have   out  His  hands  upon  the  cross,  He  was  reaching  out  to
           experienced  your  ministry  as  a  congregation.  Grace   you. When He returned to His Father, He was preparing a
           abounds!  The  loving  and  compassionate  face  of  Christ   place for you. He has called you to shepherd His people.
           has  certainly  been  present  in  your  many  words  of  the   He is the one who keeps you, upholds you, an gives you
           gospel.  We  pray  that  everyone  who  comes  through  our   strength.  You  are  the  one  He  called  His  own.  But  now,
           doors  get  the  same  inspiration  and  knowledge  we  have   this  is  what  the  Lords  says  --He  who  created  you…--
           received.                                             ”Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you
                                                                 by name you are Mine.”  (Isaiah 43:1 )
           So, today we the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Family want
           to tell you Pastor Coleman…                           We, the Mt. Pleasant Church Family welcome you to this
                                                                 place of God’s presence and God’s people, set apart to do
                             He saw you;                         the will of God.
           On  before  the  foundation  of  the  world,  Jesus  and  His
           Father  had  a  conversation  about  the  great  plan  of                  Welcome and God Bless You Both,
           redemption. That conversation included you. Jesus looked                     The Mt. Pleasant Church Family
           down the corridors of time and knew that you would be
           born. He saw your need when He said to His Father,

                        We would like to sincerely thank our friends and guests for sharing in this joyous occasion.

              There are so many things you could have done this afternoon, but we are  so overjoyed that you chose to come out   and
              fellowship in this joyous occasion of Installing our new Pastor, Rev. Dr. Wallace Coleman along with his beautiful wife
              Lady Amaryllis Coleman and family. Know that you are always welcome here on any given Sunday. We are so blessed
              and thankful that you’re here today! May God forever bless and keep you.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Family

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