Page 7 - Pastor 6th Anniversary Newsletter 2019
P. 7


                                                  The Lord is good!!

                  Thank you for being faithful in your role as “fishers of men,”.

                               I am sending you well wishes in celebrating 6 years

                                 working to encourage and empower God’s people.

                                       I know you have Love for God’s people.

                                   Not only for God’s people, but for those souls

                                  who are lost and in need of knowing the Savior.
                                I am thankful  to see you still toiling to save souls.

                             I remember your great sermons from my family church

                          “Greater United Pleasant Green” and (we) are fortunate to

                       be fed from the table God has prepared for you to feed His people!

                                   God has a special place for each of us to serve
                                  and you Pastor, have chosen to follow His path.

                             You have been the hands, the feet, and the voice of God.

                                                You have chosen to honor

                                     Him as you have served in His name.

                             Thank you for your willingness to give of yourself and be
                                           used where God has placed you.

                                                  God Bless You and

                                Congratulations  to You and Sister Washington!!

                                    “The Church Without Walls”

                                            MINISTER ANNE “AJ” JOHNSON

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