Page 13 - M91 MY ENGLISH COURSEBOOK-compressed
P. 13

1.1 Walk a little  slower ...

                                                               Warming  up !

             Allow  the  students  five       Form pairs or groups of four. Use these questions
              minutes  of  The  teacher       to start a conversation  with your friends.
              should make sure that
              chit-chat.                      • Are you a talkative  person ?
                                              • Do you like to share your thoughts ?
               students use English for
               this  ‘chit-chat’.             • What would you like  to do after 10  ?
                                                               My Thoughts
                                          Form groups of 4-6. Discuss the following with your friends
                                          in the group and then complete  the sentences.

              We often need to                                        my mother  about  swimming  lessons.
              communicate  our                                        my father about
              thoughts and feelings         I would like              my teacher  about
              to others. Sometimes            to talk to
              we do that freely.                                      my best friend about
              Sometimes  we are                                       my grandparents about
              not able to do so                                       my neighbours about
              because of various
              reasons. Let’s review
              it in this activity.
              Try to complete  each              (b)                     from my best friend
              sentence  using a new                                      from my grandmother
              idea. These are open          I would
              ended questions. You           like  to                    from my teacher
              and your friends              learn to                     from my neighbour
              need not write the
                                                                play chess  from my cousin
              same answers.

                                               (c)                         about my studies
                                                                           about the way he/she talks
             Allow the students enough     I hesitate                     to my friends
             time  to talk about their
                                             to talk
              thoughts  and  use feelings.   to my                         about what I would like
                                                                          to do in future
              mother  tongue  in  the
              They   may        group
               discussion, but they should
               course  of  the                                             about  how I  want  to  spend
                                                                          my holidays
                complete  the sentences  in
                English, using their own
                ideas and experiences.                                     about my favourite  movies
                                                                           about the things I want
                                                                          to buy

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