Page 32 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 32

Com prehension

         Think  What do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason.

        oO^ —^
                 1  The girl buys the carton of juice.

                 2  The man on the lake

                 3  The carton in the recycling plant

                 4  The carton is now a notebook.

          o Ask and answer
                                                                      W hat’s your favorite  part?

                 the question.

                                                                        The carton w a s  recycled  into
                                                                       a  notebook. That’s  interesting.

          ©   Answer the questions.

                 1  How many settings are in the story?

                 2  Name each setting:

          ©   Number the events in the correct order.

                 □       The girl took the juice carton to a lake.

                        The juice carton felt a little scared.

                   1    The juice carton sat on a shelf in the store.

                        The juice carton was recycled into a notebook.

                         A man rescued the carton with a net.

         T h in k   What do you think?

                 1  What other things can a juice carton be recycled into?

                 2  Why is it important to recycle things?

        120  Unit 12  Comprehension
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