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 There’s NOI in Team
Why asset management demands a third party on the sidelines
{ Let’s face it, no one ever dreams of being a great role player. In the backyard as a kid, you were probably Mickey Mantle, not Clete Boyer; or Walter Payton, not Willie Gault; or Michael Jordan, not John Paxson.
But as we grow older, and decidedly less athletic, we tend to develop a unique understanding; that there is a sense of pride, even occasional glory, in doing the dirty work.
And since granny shots don’t pay the bills, we develop other strengths in the hope that we can carve out a good living for ourselves.
If you’re reading this, then it’s safe to say that you have done alright with asset management through the years. Perhaps there is no one who better understands an adaptation of one of the oldest sports clichés:
There’s NOI in team.
Think about it.
Chances are you didn’t get here by accident. You also probably didn’t get here alone. You know very well the importance of managing margins and of surrounding yourself with good people.
So, as the hospitality industry ushers in a predictable era of decelerating revenue increases, you understand that increasing net operating income (NOI) is the only surefire way to fight a flatlining RevPAR and enhance asset values.

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