Page 90 - Sustainability report 2018 Ratti Group
P. 90

  CHAPTER 7 | Economic performance
 Economic performance 7.1 The results of the Group
Sales growth for EU countries.
Sales growth in domestic market.
Million of economic value generated in 2018
Increase compared with the previous financial year
for the 2018 financial year
The principal economic indicators relating to the 2018 financial year, compared with the corresponding values for the previous year, are reported below:
Amount in Euro thousands
Gross margin (EBITDA) Operating profit (EBIT) Profit before tax (EBT) Profit for the year
The results for the 2018 financial year showed an improvement for all the economic indicators of the Group, which grew both in terms of revenues (+€10.2 million, +10.2%) and profitability (EBITDA was €16.5 million, up by 42.8% on the previous financial year, while profit for the year was €10.5 million, up by 73.6% on 2017).
The increase in profitability is linked to a better sales mix in terms of margins, as well as an increase in volumes. This allowed better saturation of production facilities, with resulting cost benefits.
The trend for sales was characterised mainly by growth in Area Luxe (+€8.4 million, +20,8%), and a trend that was positive overall for the other areas of the business, especially Area Collezione and
99,410 99,272 11,528
8,077 7,507 6,022
Area Fast Fashion, which both grew by €1.2 million compared with 2017.
Sales by geographical area increased in European Union countries (+€5.4 million, +17.1%) and in the domestic market (+€4.0 million, +10.9%).
    Summary of financial data
Revenues from sale of goods and services
   Value of production and other income

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