Page 10 - WIG Brochure EN.indd
P. 10

A new idea of business
Mission: Net Zero Community
“The Green economy is not only about “greening” the economy, but also and above all, it is the most innovative and competitive challenge in the coming decades”
Pietro Colucci
The objective is to approach the environmental activities in an integrated way, based on the concept of sustainability, combi- ning an enlighted entrepreneurial spirit with an effective managerial organisation. A concept of business ambituous but ex- tremely concrete that the Group calls “environmentality”, based on innovation and research, strictly applied to the business; scouting of winning ideas, aggregation of business in the territory and “clean/green economy”, provision of services/infra- structures in favour of the environmental sustainability, in full respect of rules, to generate value on a continuous basis.
Vision: anticipating the future to live it as protagonists
Offering practical solutions to environmental issues, leading to a new model of Sustainable Development to free the So- ciety by costs of ine cient consumption. The Group is to be a key player which will drive the sector towards the future both in Italy and abroad. To give expression to this vision, the capacity to draw broader perspectives is needed, which can be achieved thanks to the characteristics that have always distinguished the Company:
• resilience: a cohesive core of people who can cope with the changing of internal and external conditions without compromising the features and values;
• durability: an industrial model that pursues the values as traced by the founders, and simultaneously able to look to the future without losing sight of the daily challenges;
• leadership: characteristic determined by the quality of the projects and their implementation, to be a reference point for stakeholders and a profitable investment opportunity for the capital market.
Values: ethic, transparency, reliability, excellence
The founding values, in addition to the environmental sustainability which is the heart of the project, are honesty, correctness, transparency, responsibility, moral and professional commitment and team spirit. These principles are at the basis of all our actions and characterize the relations of the company to employees, third parties and to the environment where it works.

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