Page 12 - WIG Brochure EN.indd
P. 12

Ethic as a transversal value
“I am a part of all that I have met”
To realize the idea of Circular Economy, the Group deems necessary to stipulate a sort of alliance between the various social players involved: citizens, institutions and businesses. Since we believe the future is everybody’s responsibility: of those who produce waste and of those who are entitled to manage it responsibily. The future of waste management shall manage re- sources, not costs, innovation (in the collection, treatment, recycling and manufacturing) instead of ine ciency.
This is the reason why the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is an integral part of the decision-making process both in strategic and practical choices concerning the business management.
The environmental, economic and social performances related to the Group’s activities, but also the on-going dialogue and comparison with the stakeholders have a great importance in the entrepreneurial vision.
The Sustainability Report has been during the years the main tool to account for the economic aspects and for the effects that the activities performed by the Group have on the environment and on the social fabric. Since 2016 the economic annual report and the sustainability report were merged in one version: the integrated report. Such a decision is evidence of the ever-closer relation between the core business and the CSR.
In the course of the years the Group has always distinguished itself by offering educational activities about territorial protection, trough the dissemination of environmental themes and promoting the EcoLibraries, libraries dedicated to the environmental themes, and organising lessons and theatre performances specifically intended for Children in primary education through the Schools Project. In the social area, the Group is constantly involved in projects for developing the internal human resources ad supporting specific projects in the territory, for example the GSE Project for the Society - thanks to which it was possible to donate a PV plant and a thermal plant to a non-profit organisation based in Milan which helps less favoured girls.
In 2013 the certification process related to the Social Responsibility of the Group’s companies has begun, starting from the Hoding company Gruppo Waste Italia (formerly Kinexia).
By awarding the the SR10 Certification by IQNet, the Company became the first Italian company listed on the Stock Exchan- ge to see recognized its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility by an international body.

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