Page 22 - 2022-07-01VogueLivingar
P. 22
Contributo1 s
Richard Christiansen
A Babylonian retreat in Los Angeles is a far cry from Richard
Christiansen's rural northern NSW farmland upbringing but this
speaks his capability to dream big. "IVly brother and I did not have
many friends, but we got to exercise our imaginations all the time
,vith the plants and garden;' he says. o r this issue, his covetable
hon1e (page 92) has been captured by photographer J\ilatthieu
• to see the garden and orchard through J\ilatthieu's eyes." In the
Salvaing. "Collaboration, to n1e, is an alchemical spark that allo,vs
you to e e things in new ,vays; he says. "It was a dream con1e true
course f h i s career, Christiansen has ,vorked ,vith Hermes and
Cartier, as well as "many of my heroes, from Jane o o d all to
President Obama to Kylie Minogue to Martha Stewart". But it's a
return to nature and connection that is now his calling, culin1inating
with Flamingo Estate's 14 ne,vproducts available throughJ\ilecca.
"Each feature rare botanicals and Australian essential oils that ,ve've
sourced meticulously from farn1ers and growers ,vho are working in
ways that help preserve Australia's countryside, Indigenous wisdon1
and natural resources." @flamingoestau
Tangney "vVhat [ love about working for
CJ\11 and Baz is how every project
is different; says Chris Tangney,
CatherineJ\ilartin's long-time art f111 .. IST Of TIIUl,S
\'OU ,,11,111 IHIOW NIM ,aoM IS
director. "Starting Elvis four years ago in New York .. OM,: 1111 v•M•1•1 ou,a11s,
and finishing in Queensland while navigating Covid has MOW TO flT •W•I'
certainly made this one a wild ride! Being an integral WITII MUaoea, flll , ... s ... HIS
part of the Bazmark machine has led to new challenges •• ,1 ... •JUSTICI ACTIVIST woaw,
and opportunities for Tangney, particularly on Elvis. ITC., ITC. •110 ·••o•• WI .....
"Working ,vith CM, r'n1 part of every stage of the sos ova• 1111 ,.,, TH•T 111s1cuae
production from our early research trips to Memphis;' (WHICH Ill ... O ST•as ... 9C
he says, "painting concepts in pre-production, then TttU .. \' MI'S
during production its pre-visualising and storyboarding IV· • · l'·WIII.I) IS ... MOST ovea,
sets and stagings for Baz, building digital ,vorlds and I "51110 11111oa1c11 SOMI
finishing shots in post-production through t o detailing QUISTIOIIS ••ou,, UM, MIS no.
with CM the Elvis decorative aesthetic! The Bazmark LIT ·s s1••1 o,, e•sl': w111ae
creation closest to Tangneys heart is also closer to hon1e: ••e \'OU!'
"Definitely Australia it was myfirst Bazmarkfilm Ill Ml' OfflCI I ll L ••.
and having the opportunity to travel all around I JUST MOVIO 1 .. , SO TNlll'S •
Australia on the project was amazing! ' OUM, • ... 1 .. ,, •• • c••o 1•1Le,
... 0 • a1,, IIUMOll,ous
M•01T•TIOII f'IL .. OW.
Anson Smart $0UIIOS SO ......... ,, OfN•a Tt1•t1
As one of Australia's most in-demand photographers, ASSISTANT TO
Anson Smart is a name you'll see time and again. But Liz CATHERINE MARTIN
it all started in another field altogether."[ completed Cameron vVith a front-ro,v seat
an aviation science degree then left Australia to go to the Catherine J\ilartin
travelling; he says. "[ picked up a camera along the and Baz Luhrmann
way and ended up studyingphotographyin San partnership in full flight, Liz Cameron describes
Francisco and started assisting. Smart lensed projects ,vitnessing the creative vision happen in real
by Greg Natale (page 108) and Alexander &Co. (page time "as amazing as o u could in1agine and
160) and scored an inside o o k at Ace Hotel Sydney so much n1ore!" she says. "Catherine's impact
(page176). "The Flack team have done it again ,vith as costume and production designer and
A c e Hotel Sydney by collaborating ,vith so many cool producer is so astonishing to observe whether
creatives. Capturing all of them in one frame ,vas a it e creating costumes, designing sets or styling
challenge but a lot of fun having so many inspiring an event, it is inspirational! It has also led
people in one place." So ho,v has he seen Australian Cameron to ,vork closely ,vith the Vogue Living
interiors develop? ''.Australian design can feel elevated tean1 on this special collaboration. "[t was an
and relaxing at the same time; he says. "[t's great to honour and privilege to collaborate ,vith the
s e e o many people embracing sustainable design and iconic powerhouse that is VI.," she says.
always harnessing our natural light! @smart,anson "It's been an incredible experience." ◄
With special J ad: Flynn writing assistant to Baz Luhrmann Emma Bourke Design assistant Schuyler vVeiss managing director lil
thanRsto Angus Wilkinson assistant to Baz Luhrmann Fletcher Donohue assistant to Baz Luhrmann 0
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