Page 38 - 2022-07-01VogueLivingar
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                                                                                                                                     THIS PAGE Catherine Martin
                                                                                                                                    The Royal Menagerie collection
                                                                                                                                     Monkey Business wallpaper
                                                                                                                                     in Ming Green from Mokum.

                        ’ve  always  had  a  passion  for                                                                         and    playfulness     of   these
                        textiles and their application.                                                                           creatures  and  was  able  to
                        I’m fascinated by how fabrics                                                                             explore    containing     moving
                        technically  work,  how  they                                                                             creatures  within  a  botanical
                  Idrape  and  can  mould  to  a                                                                                  setting;  something  I  have  not
                   body or a piece of furniture. One                                                                              done before.
                   of   the   great    things    about                                                                              The  den  at  Graceland  was
                   working  with  Mokum  has  been                                                                                dubbed ‘The Jungle Room’ after
                   understanding how the textiles are                                                                             Elvis’s death. It is his ode to the
                   loomed. It has certainly stretched                                                                             tiki craze of the 1960s. Legend
                   my knowledge and allowed me to                                                                                 has  it  Vernon  Presley  told
                   become much more sophisticated                                                                                 his  son  he  had    noticed  the
                   in my own appreciation of textiles.                                                                            ugliest furniture he’d ever seen
                     I’m  a  child  of  the  ’70s  and  the                                                                       in  a  Memphis  furniture  store.
                   idea  of  patterned  paper  is  part                                                                           Allegedly,  as  a  joke,  Elvis  had
                   of  my  DNA.  I  think  both  fabric                                                                           the entire suite installed in the
                   and paper bring an extraordinary                                                                               den at Graceland. Jungle Room
                   richness  and  whimsy,  and  can                                                                               is my first foray into an overall
                   also  work  in  tandem  to  soften  a                                                                          embroidery  and  a  perfect
                   space.  There  is  something  very                                                                             example  of  my  collaboration
                   comforting about being enveloped                                                                               with  Mokum  allowing  me  to
                   in  a  patterned  world.  I  have  always  loved  the  ’60s  and  ’70s  look   venture  into  much  more  sophisticated  fabrication.  I  love  the

                   of  continuous  pattern  in  a  room  that  flows  seamlessly  from  the     contrast between the relatively utilitarian base cloth with the luxe
                   floor to the wall-covering and ceiling.                                    and dense all-over embroidery.
                     The Royal Menagerie, my latest textile collection with Mokum,              One of the things that Mokum’s design director Stephanie Moffitt
                   is directly inspired by my work on Elvis. Royal Peacock, for instance,    and  I  focus  on  is  building  on  perennial  favourites.  It  is  very
                   is somewhat serendipitous as it combines my love of a decorative          important  for  us  to  take  designs  from  previous  collections
                   bird  motif  intersected  with  Elvis’s  love  of  peacocks.  I  think  of   by  recolouring  and  integrating  them  into  a  new  collection  as  it
                   peacocks as very emblematic of the ’70s, the exuberant Art Nouveau        allows for a continuity and evolution of style.
                   that  Biba  certainly  championed.  This,  in  combination  with  the        As  important  as  patterns  are  within  the  collection,  you  need
                   success  of  the  1968  Comeback  Special  where  the  peacock  was       plain fabrics as a counterpoint. They work symbiotically and so we
                   NBC’s logo, I think helped to cement this bird as a talisman for          continued to try and develop velvet. We have a new velvet, Monarque,
                   Elvis.  In  Graceland  there  are  the  famous  peacock  stained-glass    which  has  a  completely  different  hand  feel,  much  more  liquid  in
                   windows that feature prominently between the living room and the          its  drape  and  still  leaning  into  jewel  tones  but  with  some  more
                   music room. And he also extrapolated his fascination with peacocks        contemporary colours coming through like camel and dusty pinks.
                   into the embroidery on one of his jumpsuits, too.                            Tennessee  Tussah  however,  with  its  open  raw  silk-look  weave,
                     The  Midnight  Symphony  wall-covering,  now  set  to  launch  in       is an ode to the 1970s drapery fabric of my childhood. All of the fabrics
                   2023, is an extension of Royal Peacock. It was fabulous to have the       in the range connect back to Elvis’s opulent and iconoclastic style
                   challenge of designing a panel repeat that allows a room to become        and celebrate his playful and luxurious exuberance.
                   a  complete  environment,  immersing  you  in  a  fanciful  tropical         I’m  also  making  my  first  foray  into  broad-loom  carpet  with
                   garden inhabited by peacocks.                                             Designer Rugs and we took inspiration from my previous collection

                     The Monkey Business pattern is a nod to Elvis’s pet chimp, Scatter,     because the geometric patterns lent themselves to this. It has been
                   a boisterous and disruptive presence at Graceland. Poor Scatter met       really exciting to work with Designer Rugs and Mokum as I was
                   with an untimely end and, not wanting to point fingers at Graceland        able to explore a more cohesive, whole-space look. And later in the
                   staff or the Memphis Mafia, everyone seemed suspiciously overjoyed         year,  we  will  be  launching  hand-knotted  rugs  and  an  extension
                   when Scatter was no more. I really wanted to capture the vivacity         of the Royal Menagerie collection, which is really exciting.

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