Page 60 - 2022-07-01VogueLivingar
P. 60


                                                                                                                       THIS PAGE Pastel Reef mesh gloves from the
                                                                                                                      Romance Was Born x Ken Done collaboration.
                                                                                                                       Romance Was Born x Ken Done Batik Reef
                                                                                                                         T-shirt and Reef Garden wide-leg pants.
                                                                                                                      OPPOSITE PAGE Yellow beach 1 (2016) artwork
                                                                                                                                     by Ken Done.

                                      hen Ken Done mounted                                                              Although he is quick to credit Judy
                                      his first solo show                                                              for much of his commercial success,
                                      of paintings in 1980,                                                           Done displayed ambition and talent
                                      the genial Sydneysider                                                          from a very young age, leaving high school
                Whad already spent two                                                                                at just 14 to attend the National Art
                decades as a creative director at advertising                                                         School in East Sydney. “I still have
                agencies. He was a highly successful ad                                                               a lot of that enthusiastic and bright
                man, holding roles at top firms in New                                                                 14-year-old in me,” he says. “I’m a very
                York and London. But he didn’t feel truly                                                             optimistic person.”
                fulfilled by the work.                                                                                   He is also a natural collaborator and,
                   Luckily for Done, that first exhibition at                                                          thanks to his time in the advertising
                Holdsworth Gallery was a success. He ended                                                            world, he knows how to create work
                his advertising career and began to paint                                                             that synergises with a diverse range of
                intensively,   developing     an    exuberant                                                         brands. Team-ups have become a major
                and youthful visual identity that drew                                                                part of his creative output in recent
                comparisons with Keith Haring and David                                                               years: he has painted one of BMW’s
                Hockney but was unmistakably Australian.                                                              Art Cars, served as creative director
                   “Ken truly influenced the look and feel                                                             leading the design of the Powerhouse’s
                of modern Australia,” says Romance Was                                                                successful flagship restaurant, and has
                Born cofounder and Done collaborator                                                                  worked with both Sheridan and Kip&Co
                Anna Plunkett. “His use of colour                                                                     on lively ranges of bed linen.
                and technique is unapologetically ‘Ken                                                                  The latest joint project is a clothing
                Done’ — it’s instantly recognisable.”                                                                 range with Romance Was Born’s
                   It’s perhaps not surprising that many                                                              cofounders, Plunkett and Luke Sales.
                think of Done as a designer, rather than                                                              Readers who grew up with Done’s work
                a painter: after all, his iconography has                                                             in their homes and who may have since
                adorned countless garments and accessories                                                            bought his clothes for their own children
                over the years. However, creating wildly                                                              are sure to find this high-fashion
                successful clothing ranges was not part                                                               collaboration thrilling. Plunkett and
                of the original plan.                                                                                 Sales say it’s an opportunity to recapture
                   “I wanted to continue simply to paint,                                                             youthful feelings and get frocked up
                but at that first exhibition, I made 12                                                                at the same time.
                T-shirts to give to the press and there was a very strong response to        “Ken and Judy have already made so many cool things,
                them, so I made 12 more,” he says.                                         so we tried to use our knowledge of textiles and development to
                   By the mid-1980s, Done and his wife Judy had formed a design            push his designs somewhere else while keeping the same spirit
                company and begun manufacturing T-shirts, bags, bed linen and              alive,” says Plunkett.
                more. People of all ages loved the merchandise — not just in                 That means party dresses, pool slides and lustrous Hawaiian
                Australia, but also in major overseas markets, such as Japan.              shirts for women, and a range of upmarket unisex accessories
                The Japanese were so enamoured that, in 1988, Tokyo fashion                including a picnic rug and a tote. A pair of pink socks adorned with
                magazine Hanako put a Done painting on its cover and kept doing            Done fish will please fashionistas of all ages.
                so every week for the next 15 years.                                         That’s not all that Done has been working on recently. His work
                   Back at home, Done continued to design and paint. He says his           is currently projected on the exterior of Customs House in Sydney
                smartest move during that busy time was learning how to delegate           as part of the Vivid Festival, and he is prepping for a big painting
                so he could focus on being creative. Since then, his vast output has       exhibition in August at Ngununggula, a new fine art gallery that
                been the subject of more than 100 solo exhibitions, including              opened in the NSW Southern Highlands late last year.                             PHOTOGRAPHER: COURTESY OF THE KEN DONE GALLERY
                a major 1994 retrospective, Ken Done: The Art of Design, at Sydney’s         Visitors to Ngununggula should prepare to be surprised. “Some
                Powerhouse Museum.                                                         artists spend the last 20 years of their lives painting the same
                   Done says being involved in mainstream design and fine art               picture, but I like the challenge of new things,” says Done.
                simultaneously is like being a musician who is known publicly as a           He says he feels uncomfortable when people use words such as
                pop singer but who writes operas in his spare time. Critics recognise      ‘icon’ and ‘legend’ to describe him. Instead, he says: “I think I’m
                his landscape, still-life and nude paintings as significant, even if        a much better painter at 80 than I was at 40. The overriding thing
                many of the admirers who wear his T-shirts are unaware of them.            is to get better at what I do.”

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