Page 71 - 2022-07-01VogueLivingar
P. 71


                   THIS PAGE, FROM LEFT Merri Creek Portrait of Nayndng, 2 (2021).
                       Self Portrait on Mercury (2019). All works by Atong Atem.

                                                                                           she  continues,  “but  also  acknowledgement  that  this  comes  from
                 ‹‹ outcome,” she says of the power dynamic between subject and the        somewhere and it has been influenced by colonialism and has fought
                 eye  behind  the  lens.  “Subconsciously,  I  get  into  that  headspace,   back against it and is now trying to redefine, unlearn and relearn.”
                 because it’s such a long process that by the time I’m ready to actually     It’s  easy  to  see  how  Atem’s  work  caught  La  Prairie’s  attention.
                 sit down and photograph, I feel quite embodied in that character.         “Today, promoting women artists is for La Prairie not only a decision,
                 So  even  the  choices  that  I  make  in  terms  of  photographing,  they   it is our duty,” says Rosi Fernandez, managing director of La Prairie
                 duplicate that performative characterisation that I’ve come up with.”     Australia and New Zealand. “We see this as beyond simply an award
                   Simmering  just  under  those  striking  tones  of  sunshine  yellow,   — we are encouraging an ongoing experience and a journey that will
                 washed pink and lucid teal is the Melbourne-based artist’s intention      take  the  artist  to  the  world  starting  in  Switzerland.”  As  for  her
                 to reclaim ethnographic photography and address the complexities          thoughts of the inaugural recipient, “Personally, I see the same in
                 of migration, history and race. While Atem makes it clear that she        Atong as I do in her work,” says Fernandez. “I see power, confidence,
                 doesn’t have an issue in the documentation of culture, the misuse         vibrancy and a dedicated conviction to telling her story.”
                 of  power  in  its  approach  is  redressed  in  her  own  practice  as  she   The  La  Prairie  Art  Award  also  includes  a  commissioned  piece.
                 commits to image as someone actually within the African diaspora.         A yellow dress, a bouquet (2022) is an expansive series of five self-             PHOTOGRAPHER: IMAGES COURTESY OF MARS AND THE ARTIST
                    “I’m really lucky and proud of the fact that I grew up knowing as      portraits. “I put energy and effort into just trying to be as true to

                 much about my culture as I did,” she says. “My true self uses those       myself as possible, and to make it just feel like a meaningful version
                 visual languages and those words, and those foods and spices and          of what I do that is accessible, but also really bold,” Atong says. “I tried
                 clothes.  The  reason  that  I  speak  constantly  about  being  South    not to think too hard about how many people see it — don’t worry
                 Sudanese is it’s just such a privilege for me to be able to do that.”     about that, just make a work that you love and that you feel proud of.
                   “There’s acknowledgement of culture as this ever-evolving thing,’       And that’s what I did.”

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