Page 6 - Catalogue JT JIWA 2022
P. 6

Menyusuri Lembah                                      Falsafah Ketuhanan /
                        Sungai Nil / Through                                  The Divine Philosophy
                        the Valleys of the Nile
                        Genre:                                                Philosophy
                        Travelogue (Egypt)

       Egypt, the land of rich history and                   In this book, Prof. Dr. HAMKA summarised
       spirituality, is a place after HAMKA’s                his verdict on the functions and limitations
       heart. His travel in Egypt is fuelled by              of the human mind in the reality of God.
       his wishes  to see  with his  own eyes,               HAMKA presents his ideas and provide
       the place oft described in his reads.                 instances in elucidating the reality of
       There,  he  reflects  on  the  remnants               God and be appreciative of every luxury
       of ancient civilization, the evergreen                conferred in this life. The wide discourse
       cultures embedded in the hearts                       of this book is in line with the evolution
       of  its  people  and  met  scholars  and              of knowledge and information. Evolution
       wordsmiths that shaped the literary                   of knowledge as a product of thorough
       and political scene of Egypt as it was.               scrutiny and human research should not
       In this valley ridden with history,                   serve to further isolate oneself from Allah,
       HAMKA  penned  Through  the  Valleys                  but to strengthen the Faith instead. This

       of the  Nile, keenly observing, and                   book aims to benefit and supplement one’s
       absorbing little details that once made               Islamic life while opening the mind and soul
       Egypt the paragon of civilization.                    to  the  belief  that  everything  in  this  world
                                                             belongs to Allah.

                        Falsafah Syaitan /                                    Negara Islam /
                        The Satanic Tenet                                     The Islamic State

                        Genre:                                                Genre:
                        Philosophy                                            Philosophy

       The repeated assertions in the Qur’an                 In this book, HAMKA invites us to his time
       on declaring the devil as a malevolent,               and  age.  The  conflict  of  the  ummah, the
       hostile element carry a great and                     confusion bubbling up from many schools
       important meaning to be studied. The                  of thought and the  pressure  to present
       devil  is  men’s  mortal  enemy,  and  an             Islam to the community are felt in every
       aversion to be hostile to them may                    word.  HAMKA  explains  the  significance
       invite sin, for this is God’s command.                of the Islamic State itself and follows up
       HAMKA, in this short essay, reminds                   with  a detailed  explanation  of the  policy
       us of the importance of  Tazkiyatun                   of Islamic  governance.  He takes  the best
       Nafs  or  the  purification  of  the  heart           approach (wasatiyyah) in examining the
       and  soul in this  worldly life,  for the             Islamic state by not only relying on the
       devil will take any and all openings to               classical texts alone, but instead issuing a
       invade men’s hearts.                                  new  ijtihad  through an understanding of
                                                             the framework of democracy and politics
                                                             around it.

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