Page 129 - J.D. Lenzen "Decorative Fusion Knots"
P. 129
112 Decorative Fusion Knots
Diamond ring Knot
Now that you’ve completed nearly all the knots for lovers
you’re ready to tie the knot—the Diamond Ring Knot that
is. A quick and clever combination of a triple Overhand
Knot atop a dropped loop, the created ring “shines.”
Knot Components: Overhand Knot + Circling
1. Make a counterclockwise P, hooking the 2. Insert the running end through the front
running end to the right. of the P, creating an Overhand Knot.
3. Now circle it around and through the 4. Allow a two inch loop to remain below.
front of the Overhand Knot.
5. Circle the running end around the top of 6. …over the top of the knot, and…
the bottom loop,…