Page 10 - portfolio
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05                                                                            is evident through extensive use of recycled metals, furniture and sanitary items
        ABC CULTURAL ORPHANAGE FOR ART AND THEATRE                                    from scrap ship; rapidly growing & renewable local trees for wood; treated bamboo
        Design-build       Location: Moishor Bazar , Jamalpur                         and handmade clay tiles. Hybrid low cost solution in combination of steel, wood
                                                                                      & earthen wall was developed. Many contracts were awarded directly to a team
        Project Lead: AFH-Dhaka    CLIENT: Arts by Children                           of skilled local artisans & unskilled workers as part of construction training. Overall
        Funding Partner: Help & Hope  Operation: JAAGO Foundation                     construction technique & the process of acquiring materials not only encouraged
        Area:  13,200 Sq. foot    Cost: $ 217,000                                     horizontal exchange of knowledge but ensured that maximum project fund
        Project Architect: Imrul Kayes                                                directly went to the community. The implementation process sets an example,
        Design Team: AFH-Dhaka team & WBR Architects                                  of how architecture can provide a lasting contribution to strengthen the rural
        Engineer:  Md. Mynul Hossain   Project Manager: Eng. Golam Mostafa            infrastructure beside disseminating maximum financial resource and knowledge
                                                                                      of improved techniques into grass root level. Although traditional means of
        Project aspires to bridge the gap between the educational environment of      construction & local materials mud, bamboo, wood were used but conventional
        privileged and unprivileged children, the solution aims to reach several larger  techniques were further improved with the combination of modern knowledge.
        goals in various dimensions. An attempt is made to develop a new language by   Recycled metal from the scrapped ships used for structural. Treated bamboo
        combining local craftsmanship, modern technique and social impact, beside     was used for window curtain, railing & ceiling. Marine-Ply used in the interior
        capturing the traditional essence. The project is self-sufficient for its all required   were recycled from old ship. Handmade clay tile used for roof & floor. During the
        operational energy. Re-interpretation of rural spatial arrangement is addressed  construction process unskilled workers were trained. Building process ensured
        by the central courtyard along with interconnected small pockets as communal   finance directly flow to entrepreneur or grassroots people, mason labours.
        breathing space, blending the complex with its surrounding neighbours. The    Project is self-sufficient in terms of operational required electricity. Hybrid low
        use of material & construction technique is a contrast to the prevailing trend of   cost solution combine with steel, wood & load bearing earthen wall developed
        using energy-intensive, conventional construction methods and materials. This  through a participatory process.

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