Page 27 - Louisa CTE Course Guide 2025-2026
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PVCC Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

                                       Technology Program

        Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) offers an engineering technology program for rising high school juniors and seniors.
        Students take six foundational courses in their junior year leading to a certificate in manufacturing technology, and six more courses in
        their senior year leading to a certificate in either electronics or mechanical technology. The program is designed for students interested
        in advanced manufacturing, electronics, and related fields. Participants gain hands-on troubleshooting skills and application of
        knowledge in the convergence of computer science, engineering, technology and electronics. Courses will be taught at PVCC in the
        mornings, with students returning to LCHS for afternoon classes. These fully funded, dual credit courses allow credit to be earned
        toward both high school graduation and a PVCC A.A.S. degree. Classes are held in the newly built Woodrow W. Bolick Advanced
        Technology and Student Success Center which boasts state-of-the-art equipment. One hundred percent of recent program graduates
        are employed upon graduation.

                                           Junior Year–First Semester

        Students will spend the first semester taking CAD 151-Engineering Drawing Fundamentals, ETR 113–DC and AC Fundamentals I, and
        IND 113-Materials and Processes in Manufacturing I. CAD introduces technical drafting from the fundamentals through advanced
        drafting practices. Students will study DC and AC circuits, basic electrical components, instruments, and techniques used to predict,
        analyze and measure electrical quantities as well as learning the materials and processes for the manufacture of products.

                                         Junior Year–Second Semester

        ETR 140–Introduction to Mechatronics presents foundational concepts in mechatronics including analog and digital electronics. MEC
        122–3D Printing for Engineering Design provides an overview of rapid technologies in Advanced Manufacturing. MEC155–Mechanisms
        studies the purpose and actions of cams, gear trains, levers and other mechanical devices used to transmit control.

                                          Senior Year–First Semester

        Students continue to earn both CTE high school credit and credit toward their college degree as they take IND 250–Basic Computer
        Integrated Manufacturing, ELE 176–Alternative Energy Including Hybrid Systems, and ELE 239–Programmable Controllers. Courses
        continue to present basic principles used in the design and implementation in a computer integrated manufacturing system.

                                        Senior Year–Second Semester

        Courses in this semester include IND 251–Automated Manufacturing Systems I, MEC 161–Basic Fluid Mechanics/Hydraulics/Pneumatics,
        and ETR 286–Principles and Applications of Robotics.

                                   CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE.

                                   Ken Welborn
                                   Program Director for Advanced Manufacturing
                                   434.961.5210 |
                                   Kathy Verell
                                   Program Coordinator

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