Page 20 - นโยบายต่อต้านการคอร์รัปชัน
P. 20

Anti-Corruption Policy

                    No.         Approval                     Revision Details                 Effective Date

                     3.     Board of Directors  No Change                                    28 August 2020
                             No. 36 (3/2020)

                     4.     Board of Directors  - No. 1. Principles and reasons: Add “either  26 November 2021
                            No. 52 (14/ 021)  for  benefits  of  the  Company  or  oneself,
                                               family, friends, or acquaintances”
                                               - No. 2. Definition
                                                 1) Revise definition of “Corruption”

                                                 2) Add definitions
                                                 - Bribes, inducements, change and hospitality

                                                 - Gifts, gratuities
                                                 - Facilitation payment
                                                 - Donation

                                                 - Sponsorship
                                                 - Government officer recruitment

                                                 - Political support
                                                 - No 3. Duties and responsibilities
                                                 1) Revise and add duties and responsibilities

                                               of the Audit Committee
                                                 2) Revise No. 3.3 to “Chief Executive

                                               Officer, President and executives”
                                                 3) Revise duties and responsibilities of
                                               the Anti-corruption working team

                                                 4) Revise duties and responsibilities of
                                               employees of the Company

                                               - No. 4. Procedures
                                               Revise wordings of No. 4.2 and No. 4.4 to
                                               be  consistent  with  the  Information  or

                                               Complaint Handling Policy

            Internal Audit Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited               4
            (Internal Use Only)
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