Page 10 - Descriptive Text E-Module for Grade 11th
P. 10

Learning Activity 1

                                                                                     Reading Activity

                             Tujuan Pembelajaran

                                11.3.1 Mengidentifikasi ide-ide pokok paragraph Teks deskriptif

                                11.3.2 Mengevaluasi detail spesifik dan inti Teks deskriptif

                                11.3.3  Melakukan  inferensi  untuk  memahami  informasi  tersurat  dan  tersirat

                                dari deskriptif

                                11.3.4 Menentukan persamaan kata di dalam Teks deskriptif

                            Description of Material

                               In this section, students will be directed to read descriptive texts by following

                               the GBI approach with the stages of BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. The lessons

                               and materials provided are to help students to understand descriptive texts and

                               to be guided to read descriptive texts to achieve the learning objectives.

                                                                          Building knowledge of Field

                                         In this part, you will be guided to

                                               know what descriptive text is.

                                   Group Work

                                          Make a group that consist 3/4 students

                                          there will be 4 resources below, choose one of them and find some

                                          information that is questioned below!

                                          Tell the characteristic of each resources below in front of your classmates

                        Descriptive Text E-module for grade XI                                                                                                                         4
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