Page 19 - Descriptive Text E-Module for Grade 11th
P. 19
Language Features of
Descriptive Text
Listen the explanation about Adjective from this video!
Examples of Adjective
Adjective for Animal Adjective for Animal
Big = Besar Kind = Baik
Small = Kecil humble = Rendah hati
Little = Sedikit Arrogant = Sombong
Large = Lebar clever = pintar
Tiny = Sangat kecil Selfish = egois
Tall = Tinggi polite = sopan
High = Sangat Tinggi Lazy = malas
Enormous = Sangat besar sad = sedih
Wild = liar happy = senang
Tame = jinak excited = bersemangat
Dangerous = berbahaya nervous = cemas
Strong = kuat angry = marah
Soft = lembut tall= tinggi
Slow = lambat short = pendek
Fast = cepat medium-high = tinggi sedang
Herbivorous = herbivora diligen = rajin
Carnivorous = karnivora Fat = gemuk
Poisonous slim = ramping
aggressive = agresif thin = kurus
domestic = lokal beautiful = cantik
gorgeous = Sangat cantik
handsome = ganteng
Descriptive Text E-module for grade XI 13