Page 107 - Valor Hospitality Partners - Casa Anfa Project
P. 107


       •    Termination provisions in the Contract

               •   Valor termination noted. Brand will have their own provisions

       •    Technical Services Fee

               •   Valor technical services fee and pre-opening management fee on previous slides

       •    Approval Rights (annual budgets, executive personnel)

               •   We always present General Managers to owners for approval

               •   Annual budgets are presented by October 31 latest to allow for a suitable review period & discussion

       •    Exclusivity / Area of Protection

               •   This would be the first project undertaken by Valor in Casablanca and therefore we would be happy to offer an AOP with

                   a minimum of 10 miles

               •   The brand AOP’s would be specific to the brand but likely cast a wide net also
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