Page 18 - Valor Hospitality Partners - Casa Anfa Project
P. 18


                                    US Support Services                                   Brian                                               Global Support Services
                           Operations, Asset Management, Underwriting,                  McCarthy                            Executives from the USA, Asia and Africa assist the UK & Europe team
                              Transaction Sourcing, Audit, Treasury                                                          where needed. Disciplines include, but not limited to;  F&B, Revenue
                          Euan McGlashan – Global Co-founder & CEO                                                          Management, Sales & Marketing, Social Media and Digital Marketing,
                           Steve Cesinger – Global Co-founder & CIO                     Managing                            Front office and Housekeeping, Finance, PR, Design & Development,
                           Brandon Hatfield – Global Principal & CFO                     Director                            Technical Services, Pre-opening Management, Task Force, Policies,
                     F&B Services Team – Concept design, Culinary, Operations                                                      systems, procedures, strategic planning and intellect.

                                 Phil             Mark            Vanessa            Moira            Louise             Nick              Paul             Peter
                                Bland           Thacker          Jackman             Laird             Clarke           Moore             Nisbett        Robertson
                               Operations       Operations        Group Sales        Global           Revenue          Procurement        Finance            Global
                                Director         Director         & Marketing        Human             Director          Director         Director         Development
                                                                   Director         Resources                                                               Director
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