Page 11 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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GIADA OnDemand Continuing Education is Here!


           HERE!                                                ONLINE



                         CLASSES ONLINE RIGHT NOW!

                                  Registration is only $100 members & $150 non-members.

        GIADA's OnDemand  continuing education online training is  BONUS CONTENT FOR GIADA MEMBERS! GIADA Members will
        in full swing! These courses are approved by the state licensing  have access to additional and optional training content upon
        board and include 10 jam-packed educational courses that you  completing the CE Courses and receiving a CE Certificate. See
        can go back and watch as often as you want. Complete classes  tips and compliance information on topics like Floor Planning,
        on your own schedule, as long as you complete the minimum by  Digital Marketing, and Risk Management! (Become a member
        March 31, 2018 to renew.                               before registering and take advantage of a $50 discount and
                                                               receive this upgraded access!)
        PLEASE NOTE: You must complete courses labeled "Required  REMINDER:  Please make note of your login credentials and
        course" in order to qualify for the six hours needed for a  bookmark the OnDemand training website for easy reference in
        completion certificate.                                the future. If you have already registered there is no need to do
                                                               so again.

                                    CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED!

                                             QUESTIONS? GIADA office, (770) 745-9650

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017  |  9
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