Page 13 - VIADA-2021-1
P. 13
us to let our guards down, practice being same page, have a safe environment, and is within our organization. From here, we
open-minded, see situations from the other are communicating effectively on a con- can help road map their career which is also
person’s perspective, have extreme candor, sistent basis, the need for more meetings a major contributor to a deeper level of en-
and assume there is positive intent. Patrick diminishes and when it does come time to gagement.
Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team talks have a meeting, they are far more produc-
about having Trust as the foundation, then tive and meaningful. What would it mean 8. TRANSPARENCY & TRUST
moving on to Healthy Conflict, which leads to you to have fewer but more productive
to decisive Commitment, then Peer to Peer and less time-consuming meetings? With an open line of communication and
Accountability, which all build up to the peer to peer accountability, this leaves little
best Results not just for a specific depart- 5. ATTRACTS THE RIGHT PEOPLE room for any kind of lack of transparency
ment, but the entire organization. Peer to and transparency leads to trust. Trust is the
Peer Accountability comes with a warning What do you believe is the type of culture foundation of any successful organization.
however; get ready to be comfortable being that an “A-Player” wants to be a part of? With the right environment and collabora-
uncomfortable because it’s not easy but it is An A-Player to me is someone that values tion, we trust each other to make the best
a game-changer. humility, has a strong desire to grow, gets decisions together. We trust that if one
excited to see their colleague succeed, is person is falling behind for any reason,
2. ACCOUNTABILITY FOSTERS open-minded, and leads by example. I be- someone will be there to pick them up. We
INDEPENDENCE lieve that in order to have true synergy and trust that we will be open and honest with
collaboration in our businesses that it’s less each other because we know that by doing
When we ingrain accountability into our about attracting top talent, and more about so it will lead to the best results for every-
culture, we foster independence because attracting the right people that have the one. We trust that we will hold each other
we are incentivized to take responsibility right characteristics for your environment. accountable knowing that that’s how we get
for our own actions, effort, development The skill can be developed. Character can the most out of each other.
and attitude. How we show up matters not be developed as well, but it’s far more chal-
only for ourselves but for our team mem- lenging and time consuming. Focus on Focus on collaboration to make yourself,
bers. If we’re wanting to contribute to new setting up your organization in a way that your team, and your organization better! n
ideas and effective decisions, then bringing your reputation attracts the right people.
our best selves to work is critical. Collabo-
ration encourages us to learn and develop 6. HIGHER RETENTION RATES PLACE YOUR AD IN
our own skills so that we can contribute to
the conversations, brainstorming sessions, Once we establish a culture of collaboration OUR NEXT ISSUE
and inspire others to follow our lead. into our organization, we set ourselves up
to reduce turnover. What is your current
3. ENGAGEMENT DEEPENS turnover and what does that cost you per
year? What would it mean to you not only
By recognizing that everyone contributes financially, but in terms of stress reduction
to the success of our organization, we find and increased performance, having your
ways to involve everyone in decisions, no turnover cut in half or even more? Because
matter how big or small. Just because we every team member feels involved in the
carry a certain title doesn’t mean we have direction of the company, they feel like they
the answers or should be expected to know are a part of something bigger and contrib-
all the answers. When everyone feels like uting to the vision. How many other com-
their voice has been heard, engagement panies do you believe operate at this level?
increases, regardless if we went with their Not many. But you can be one of the few.
idea or not. The key is to actively listen, Stay in front of
brainstorm on what is being discussed, and 7. SMOOTHER ONBOARDING DECISION MAKERS
use that process to make a well informed PROCESS
decision. When engagement increases, across Virginia
turnover decreases. Collaboration sets the stage for a smooth REACH YOUR TARGET
transition for our newest team member. AUDIENCE with great rates.
4. FEWER BUT MORE When they get started, there is less wast-
PRODUCTIVE MEETINGS ed time, more structure, and we find out It’s advertising to
quickly how well they are going to fit in GROW YOUR BUSINESS.
Collaboration supports effective communi- with the team. A smooth onboarding pro-
cation. When we’re holding ourselves ac- cess allows for the new team member to DEADLINE:
countable, fostering independence, and are adapt quicker to processes, environment,
deeply engaged in what we’re doing, having culture, expectations, and their team. The MAY 15!
1 hour daily meetings become less valuable quicker we can have them adapt, the soon- Email
and counter-productive. If we’re on the er we discover what their unrealized ability