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Bolster Your Dealership’s Digital

          Experience with Flexible F&I Solutions

                      The line between in-store and online is blurring, with an

                     end-to-end digital experience becoming the new standard

                                    By Brad Rogers, Chief Operating Officer of RouteOne LLC

        As we all know, the world of retail is swiftly  Some shoppers prefer to pick up their next  it’s true that the vehicle-buying process
        changing,  and  the  vehicle  F&I  industry  outfit in-store, others online or from their  differs somewhat from buying other retail
        is not immune to the ongoing shift. Vast  phone.  Many  subscribe  to  services  where  products, the basic principles remain the
        changes  in technology  have  empowered  they answer a few profile questions, then  same.
        more consumers than ever to begin the  the company regularly sends multiple
        vehicle buying and financing process  options that best fit their style, for them to  Consumers want to browse and research
        themselves, on their own devices and  choose from the convenience of their own  vehicles  online.  Many  strive  to  conduct
        timeline.                            home.                                as much of the F&I process as possible on
                                                                                  their time, and on their own devices.
        Adapting to changing technology      It can be a challenge to keep up with
        Some people still prefer traditional tools,  consumers’  expectations.  Businesses  Build a digital experience that is flexible
        others opt for modern systems, and many  succeed when  they strive  to  provide  a  to current demands, with an eye toward
        are skilled at a combination of both. Even  variety of digital retail options, giving  changes up the road. Consider a seamless
        the conventional crowd is learning to adapt  consumers access to the current and future  F&I system, where a consumer “just
        to new methods, however.             services they desire as technology and skill  looking”  at  your  website  can  potentially
                                             sets change.                         become a car buyer. When you supply the
        The longer a technology is around, the more                               desired tools, you can reach your own sales
        it becomes second nature, and part of the   Manage consumer               goals while elevating customer satisfaction
        mainstream. For example, it used to be that                               levels.
        digitally signing your name on a point-of-  expectations
        sale terminal was considered high-tech, but   To navigate the ebb and flow of the ever-  So, what’s the next “best feature” you should
        now consumers are completely accustomed   changing landscape, you need connections   consider implementing into your strategy?
        to a digital experience.             that allow you to meet consumer
                                             expectations while customizing your   Allow customers to enjoy the convenience of
        Retail has  evolved.  We’ve  gone  from old   parameters.                 remote document delivery. This technology
        carbon-copy credit  card  machines  to                                    provides buyers with the opportunity to
        swiping a magnetic strip, and then to the   Today, many buyers assume that the   review the entire contract package at their
        security of the chip and mobile payments   shopping experience will be relatively   own pace, from any location.
        with a digital wallet for contactless payment.  similar for all their purchases. Although   Continued on page 46

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