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5 Key
Opportunities for Your
Dealership in 2023
By RevolutionParts
As we begin 2023, the lasting effects of have an effective marketing strategy, you wants to keep up with modern shopping
supply chain shortages, lowered new car need to have the right messaging that you habits, you must adapt to the online retail
sales, and the rising cost of steady parts can implement across all of these tools. model–for the whole dealership. This is
and materials are still being felt. Experts the year to empower customers to shop
tell us that these challenges will continue Going into 2023, dealerships should exactly how they want.
well into the year. streamline their messaging to be more
than just priced-focused. Focus on the Start by taking a multi-
Many dealerships today are experiencing dealership’s value across all departments, channel approach. Sell cars,
stagnant revenue growth. While 2023 is from easy online shopping to convenient
expected to be filled with challenges, there delivery. Vehicle sales are important, and parts, and accessories in-store
are plenty of opportunities to help your you want a solid marketing plan to sell and online. You should also
dealership generate more revenue and more. allow customers to schedule a
scale its business.
Don’t forget about fixed ops! The parts service online.
Here are the top five opportunities your department is a great place to grow
dealership can take advantage of in 2023 revenue and increase your absorption People are shopping online now more
to improve its sales growth. rate, but if you don’t market your parts than ever, and many consumers would
department effectively, you’ll miss out on rather do the bulk of their vehicle
Invest in Quality Digital Marketing revenue. Unfortunately, 23% of dealerships shopping from the comfort of their
are not marketing their parts department, homes. Others prefer to do some (or
Digital marketing is a must-have to succeed meaning they are not reaching many even all) of the buying experience at the
online. If your dealership has no online potential customers. Fortunately, dealers dealership. You should offer both options
marketing presence, your customers using RevolutionParts have access to a to create a seamless shopping experience.
won’t know you exist. To build the right team of parts marketing specialists to help
marketing strategy, you must look at what drive more traffic and conversions for Finally, continue this online approach
digital tools and resources will work best their parts web store. into the service lane. Make it easy for
for your department’s needs. your customers to schedule service
Modernize the Customer Experience appointments online. Plus, by providing
Standard marketing tools like email an option for customers to make their own
marketing, pay-per-click ads, and SEO It’s no secret; online shopping is the appointments online, you can free up your
implementation are all great starting number one way to buy among many service staff as they will spend less time on
points for the dealership. However, to truly of today’s consumers. If your dealership the phone.