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Daniel Craig.
                                                                               Despite his vow, Mr. Connery
                                                                               reprised the role a final time in 1983.
                                                                               A remake of “Thunderball,” the
                                                                               movie was called — in a nod to the
                                                                               actor’s broken promise — “Never Say
                                                                               Never Again.”
                                                                               He    also   gave   finely  tuned
                                                                               performances as a murder suspect
                                                                               in the 1974 adaptation of Agatha
                                                                               Christie’s ensemble mystery “
                                                                               Murder on the Orient Express” as
                                                                               an aging bow-wielding hooded
                                                                               hero in “Robin and Marian” (1976)
                                                                               opposite Audrey Hepburn; as a
                                                                               criminal mastermind in “The Great
                                                                               Train Robbery” (1978); as a monk
                                                                               who investigates a murder in “The
          Sean Connery                                                         Name of the Rose” (1986); and as
                                                                               a publisher recruited by British
          film adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s   was a multimillionaire and often   intelligence to spy on Russia in “ The
          “  The  Man  Who  Would  Be  King”   donated his movie payments to the   Russia House” (1990), based on the
          (1975). Mr. Connery and Michael   Scottish International Education   John le Carre novel.
          Caine played British soldiers who   Trust; an organization he helped   Off  screen,  Mr.  Connery  could
          stumble onto the riches of a tribal   start that offers grants primarily to   be combative and litigious with
          kingdom and try to execute a massive   young artists.                producers over fees, but he also used
          con by pretending that Mr. Connery   As “Dr. No” director Terence Young   his reputation as a bankable star to
          is a demigod.                     once said, “There are only two great   help struggling projects directed by
          He played the frustrated husband of   stars in my recollection who have   friends. He accepted the role of King
          Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchcock’s   not been changed by great massive   Agamemnon in “Time Bandits”
          bland psychodrama “Marnie” (1964);   success: Sean Connery and Lassie,   (1981) when he learned that the
          a bare-chested, ponytailed gunslinger   and both of them Scottish.”   director, Monty Python veteran
          of the future in “Zardoz” (1974); and   Mr. Connery as Bond in “From Russia   Terry  Gilliam,  was  having  trouble
          a trenchcoat-wearing adventurer in   With Love” (1963),” Goldfinger”   securing financing.
          the graphic novel adaptation “The   (1964),  “Thunderball”  (1965),  Mr. Connery’s married Actress Diane
          League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”   “You Only Live Twice” (1967) and”   Cilento, in 1962, and later divorced.
          (2003).                           Diamonds Are Foreover” (1971).     After his divorce from Cilento, he
          He gave over-the-top performances   The  world  was  overcome  with   married French-Moroccan artist
          in over-the-top films such as     “Bondmania” in the 1960s. Johnny   Micheline Roquebrune in 1975.
          “Highlander” (1986), in which he   Rivers’s pop tune “Secret Agent Man”   In addition to his wife,  he is surviveds
          plays an immortal swordsman;      played incessantly on the radio. A   by  a  son  from  his  first  marriage,
          “The Hunt for Red October” (1990),   Bond-inspired cologne promised a   actor Jason Connery; a stepson
          as a Russian nuclear submarine    secret aromatic weapon of desire.   he  adopted,  Stephane  Connery;  a
          commander; and “The Rock” (1996),   Mr. Connery said he tired of the fuss.   brother; and several grandchildren.
          as an ex-con who helps disrupt a   “The first two or three were fun,” he   Mr. Connery was granted British
          terrorist plot.                   once said. “Jumping out of planes   knighthood  in  2000  by  Queen
          Mr.  Connery  also  enlivened  the   was entertaining, although it was   Elizabeth, reportedly after a two-
          most commercial of films, such as   tough on my hairpiece.”          year delay because of his support of
          “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”   After “Diamonds,” he swore he’d   Scottish independence.
          (1989), starring Harrison Ford as   never return to the screen as Bond.   To his fans, Mr. Connery was the only
          a whip-cracking archaeologist and   Other actors came in his place,   actor worthy of donning the Bond
          Mr. Connery as the adventurer’s   including George Lazenby, Roger    tuxedo. As his career progressed,
          comically disapproving father.    Moore and Timothy Dalton. Later    however, he fiercely defended his
          Mr. Connery’s high profile allowed   revivals of the franchise have starred   independence from the role that
          him to command huge salaries. He   Pierce Brosnan and, most recently,   launched him to superstardom.

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